FISICA ED ASTRONOMIA "Ettore Majorana"PhysicsAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Giuseppe FALCI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course introduces concepts and techniques of advanced quantum mechanics, from theoretical foundations to applications in "Quantum Technologies". The course is centred on quantum bipartite systems, the founding concept for the study of quantum "mysteries" as entanglement, decoherence and measurement. Applied to quantum dynamics of electrons and photons in coherent systems/architectures, these phenomena provide the paradigm of quantum computation and communication.


Main goals are:

Course Structure

Standard lectures, exercises and demonstrations with dedicated software (Mathematica). Seminars by experts will be organized. 

Required Prerequisites

Corses of quantum mechanics and "Advanced quantum Mechanics", condensed matter physics and "Solid-state physics", elements of statistical mechanics, linear algebra and functional spaces. We also suggest attending the courses of   "Superconductivity and superfluidity" e di "Mesoscopic and Topological materials" which however are not strictly propedeutical. 

Attendance of Lessons

Attending the lectures is warmly suggested

Detailed Course Content

  1. Representation of quantum systems (12+2 h)
    Quantum bits, composite systems; physical systems (photons, nuclear spin, confined atoms, artificial atoms based on semiconductors/superconductors, cavities); algebra in Hilbert spaces and applications to quantum networks; examples; classical and quantum computation (seminar)
  2. Quantum dynamics (12+2 h)
    Time evolution operator; pulsed dynamics; Heisenberg and von Neumann equation and their phenomenological generalization to relaxation and dephasing; quantum systems in oscillatory fields; time-dependent unitary transformations (rotating frame, adiabatic frame, geometric phases)
  3. Bipartite and multipartite systems (6+2 h)
    Density matrix; quantum measurement and von Neumann model; applications (superdense coding, no-cloning theorem, cryptography, quantum teleportation)  Entanglement; EPR paradox and Bell inequality (seminar).
  4. Coherent nanosystems (4 h) (two or three of the following topics)
    NMR molecules in liquids; photons and atoms in cavities; artificial atoms and circuit QED; trapped ions and cold atoms; nanomechanical and nanoelectromechanical systems; topological excitations in condensed matter.
  5. Selected topic (2 h) (seminar, one of the following topics)
    New quantum technologies for measurement and sensing; open quantum systems; introduction to quantum information; introduction to quantum thermodynamics; introduction to quantum control theory.

Textbook Information

[1] M. Nielsen and I. Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
[2] S. Haroche and J.M. Raimond, Exploring the Quantum : Atoms, Cavities and Photons, Oxford, 2006.
[3] G. Falci, Quantum Information: lecture notes
[4] G. Chen, D. A. Church, B.-G. Englert, C. Henkel, B. Rohwedder, M. O. Scully, and M. S. Zubairy. Quantum Computing Devices: Principles, Designs and Analysis. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2007.
[5] C. P. Williams and S. H. Clearwater, Explorations in Quantum Computing, Springer Verlag, New York, 1998.
[6] G. Benenti, G. Casati, G. Strini, Principles of Quantum Computation and Information, voll. 1 e 2, World Scientific, 2004  

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Representation of quantum systems [1,2,3]
2Bipartite systems[1,2,3]
3Quantum dynamics[2,3]
4Physical systems[3,4]
5Selected topics [1,2,5]

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Le domande di seguito riportate non costituiscono un elenco esaustivo ma rappresentano solo alcuni esempi
- Derivare l'algebra di SU(2);
- Spazi di Liouville ed esempi di basi
- Derivare l'espressione esplicita di funzioni di operatori nilpotenti, idempotenti e di matrici di Pauli.
- Quantizzazione in circuiti mesoscopici
- Relazione tra U(2) e SU(2)
- Sistemi composti, fattorizzazione, operatori (gate) entangling 
- Soluzioni formali per la dinamica
- Oscillazioni coerenti e oscillazioni di Rabi
- Trasformazioni di gauge e trasformazioni untarie dipendenti dal tempoù
- Sistemi bipartiti: entanglement
- Sistemi bipartiti: misura
- Sistemi bipartiti: decoerenza

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