SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE E BIOTECNOLOGICHEHuman Nutrition SciencesAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

Aim of this course is to provide the knowledge  of the basic principles of pharmacokynetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs. The course is also designed to provide a specific knowledge  of the pharmacological and toxicological properties of nutraceuticals and dietary supplements including both indications and contraindications.

Information for students with disabilities and / or SLD: To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and / or dispensatory measures, based on the teaching objectives and specifications needs. It is also possible to contact the CInAP contact person (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and / or SLD) of the Department of Biomedical and Biotechonological Sciences.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus. Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Required Prerequisites

Basic skills of Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology 

Attendance of Lessons

Class attend: mandatory

Detailed Course Content

Introduction: definition of drug, nutraceutical product and dietary supplement


biological membranes. Barriers.

 Drug absorption. Factors that influence the absorption.

Routes of administration.

Plasma protein binding.

Distribution of drugs.

 Pharmacokinetic parameters (clearance, half-life, repeated dose toxicity, first pass effect, bioavailability and bioequivalence).

Drug metabolism.

Drug Elimination kinetics;

Variability in drug response.

PHARMACODYNAMICS: Mechanisms and site of action of drugs.


receptor function and variability of drug response.

Agonism, antagonism competitive and non-competitive, affinity, intrinsic activity, effectiveness. dose-response curves, effective dose, lethal dose, therapeutic index, safety.

pharmacological and therapeutic effects.

side effects, adverse reactions, overdose, intolerance to drugs, fetal toxicity; teratogenicity and carcinogenicity.

drug safety and phytovigilance.

Drugs that interfere with the autonomic nervous system (ANS)

sympathomimetic active drugs.

simpaticoplegici-sympatholytic drugs.

parasympathomimetics-cholinergic drugs.

parasympatholytic-anticholinergics drugs.

anti-inflammatory drugs and autacoids. 



Nutraceutical products

Dietary supplements

Textbook Information

A.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Farmacologia, Piccin, XI

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction: definition of drug, nutraceutical product and dietary supplementA.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology
2Pharmacokinetics: ADMEA.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology
3PHARMACODYNAMICS: Mechanisms and site of action of drugs.A.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology
4Drugs that interfere with the autonomic nervous system (ANS)A.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology
5anti-inflammatory drugs and autacoids. A.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology
6VitaminsA.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology
7PoisonsA.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology
8Nutraceuticals productsA.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology
9Dietary supplements A.J Trevor-B.G Katsung -S, Pharmacology

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final exam takes place at the end of the course. The oral exam consists on five randomized questions, concerning the topics listed below. On each question, the student receives a grade from 1 to 4 (1 min, 4 max). The grade results from the sum of these scores according to the following scheme: 4-5 = 18; 6-7 = 19; 8-9 = 20; 10 = 21; 11 = 22; 12 = 23; 13 = 24; 14 = 25; 15 = 26; 16 = 27; 17 = 28; 18 = 29; 19-20 = 30. The mark calculated in this way is subject to a weighted average with the mark obtained by the candidate in the ongoing test. The exam Vcan also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1- Absorption of a drug; 2- Biological barriers and drug transfer; 3- Routes of drug administration; 4- Drugs and plasma proteins; 5- Distribution and redistribution of drugs; 6- Drug metabolism; 7- Elimination of drugs; absorption elimination ratio; 7- variability of drug responses; 8- Classification of receptors; 9- Receptor function ; 10- Agonism, competitive and non-competitive antagonism, affinity, intrinsic activity, effectiveness; 11-Dose-response curves, effective dose, lethal dose, therapeutic index, safety window; 12- Difference between therapeutic effects and adverse effects of drugs; 13- Adverse reactions; 14- Intolerances to drugs; 15- Nutritional products; 16- Anti-inflammatory and autacoid drugs (analgesics and antipyretics); 18-vitamins.

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