Il corso è organizzato in due parti: ripasso delle strutture grammaticali di base della Lingua inglese e spiegazione di argomenti inerenti al dominio di competenza.
Basic Grammar:
Articles, Nouns and Pronouns, Countable and Uncountable nouns, Adjectives, Prepositions, Verbs to be and to have, Present simple, Present continuous, Past simple, Future with Will.
What is Biology, Living organisms and their classification, Cell: its structure and movements in and out it, The chemicals of life, DNA, Enzymes, Pathogens and immunity, Human Anatomy.
Per il corso di Biologia:
Mary Jones and Geoff Jones, Biology. Coursebook fifth edition. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, 5th edition. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Altre informazioni e pubblicazione materiale didattico sul canale MTeams:
Codice MTeams: 0y1u8nw
Argomenti | Riferimenti testi | |
1 | Biology: definition; relationship with other disciplines; the scientific method | Materiale didattico fornito dalla docente |
2 | Cells; DNA, Human Anatomy; Photosynthesis; Chemicals of life; Pathogens | Biology for Cambridge IGCSE - Coursebook - Mary Jones and Jeoff Jones |
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Il corso può prevedere delle prove in itinere scritte sia per verificare le conoscenze acquisite di grammatica, sia per verificare le conoscenze inerenti ai contenuti di biologia.
La verifica dell’apprendimento potrà essere effettuata anche per via telematica, qualora le condizioni lo dovessero richiedere.
Below there is a list of possible topics on which to reflect and discuss in the exam.
Of course, what is listed below is intended as a model and not as an exhaustive list of the questions.
What is Biology? Classification of living beings. What is the binomial naming system? What is the cell? Differences and similarities between plant cell and animal cell. What is DNA? What is the cytoplasm? What are tissues, organs and organ systems? What are carbohydrates, fats and proteins? And which are their properties? What are enzymes? What do they do? What is a pathogen? What is an antibody? Explain active and passive immunity. What is a drug? Explain mitosis and meiosis. Describe the digestive system. Describe the nervous system. Describe the cardiovascular system. What is blood? Describe the respiratory system. Describe the reproductive system.