72432 - BOTANICA A - L

Teacher: Pietro MINISSALE

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Know and understand plant diversity at a morphological and reproductive level with reference to the mechanisms of evolution. Understanding the differences between the large groups of tallophytes, fungi and higher plants with reference to the main phylogenetic relationships.

2) Learn the rudiments to identify the different marine and terrestrial plants at least at the level of class or order; in the case of angiosperms, learn the rudiments to classify specimens collected or observed in the field at least at the family level

3) ability to understand the importance and role of plants at the biosphere, ecosystem and habitat level

4) ability to describe morphological and functional characteristics of plants with correct terminology

5) improvement of learning skills through all available tools, texts, presentations, publications, images and texts from highly reliable websites

Course Structure

The course (7 + 2 CFU) will be held through lectures, accompanied by power point presentations, laboratory exercises and field trips.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the Syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Basic notions of cytology. Mitosis and meiosis

Attendance of Lessons

Strongly recommended

Detailed Course Content

The Botany course is divided into two modules. Module I (3 CFU) provides preliminary and general knowledge on plant biology; Module II (6 CFU) is dedicated to the study of plant biodiversity.

Module I

Prokaryotes and autotrophic eukaryotes. Structural levels and modes of nutrition (parasitic, saprotrophic and symbiont organisms). Notes on chlorophyll photosynthesis. Role of plants in the biosphere. General characteristics of the eukaryotic plant cell (plastids, vacuoles, wall and its modifications). Cell division and cytodieresis. Origin of the eukaryotic cell. The different degrees of structural organization (thallus, corm). Classification and Phylogeny. Main classification systems. Botanical nomenclature. Notes on speciation processes. Vegetative reproduction, sporogony, sexual reproduction. Modalities and meaning of the different types of reproduction. Ontogenetic cycles and metagenetic cycles and their evolutionary significance. Sexuality in plants: hermaphrodite, monoecious and dioecious plants. Photoautotrophic prokaryotes. Cyanobacteria.

Module II

Fungi: thallus morphology, reproduction, trophism, ecology and main biological cycles (Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes). The heterotrophic protists: Oomycetes. Algae: types of thallus organization: morphology and ecological adaptations; reproduction and main biological cycles (Rhodophytes, Heterocontes, Chlorophytes). The conquest of the emerged lands: causes, theories, adaptations to terrestrial life. Notes on the oldest terrestrial plants. Non-vascular cryptogams: morphology, reproduction and life cycle; the main groups (Bryophytes, Hepatophytes and Antocerophytes). Vascular cryptogams (pteridophytes): vegetative and reproductive characters, biological cycle; isosporia and heterosporia; the main groups (Lycophytes, Psilotophytes, Sphenophytes and Pterophytes). Spermatophytes: reproductive systems, pollination and fertilization, ovum and seed. Gymnosperms: vegetative and reproductive systems, biological cycle; the main groups (Cicadofite, Ginkgofite, Conifere, Gnetofite). Angiosperms: vegetative and reproductive characteristics, flower and inflorescences, pollination and fertilization, seed, fruits and infructescences, dissemination. Distinctive characters and uses of the main families.

Textbook Information

Evert R.F., Eichhorn S.E. Raven Biology of Plants

8th Edition. — W. H. Freeman and Company Publishers, 2013

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Verification of learning takes place through written tests in progress and final oral interview on the main families of Angiosperms with herbarium specimens collected by the student independently or during the didactic excursions carried out during the course. If the student has not been able to carry out one or more tests in progress, the oral exam will also focus on the topics of the course not verified in the tests.

The evaluation of the student's preparation will take place on the basis of the following criteria: learning ability and level of depth of the topics covered, properties of synthesis and exposition, and the student's ability to reason.

The vote follows the following scheme:


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Important shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies

Analysis and synthesis skills: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At the threshold level. Obvious imperfections

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Just enough skills


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge

Ability to analyze and synthesize: It is capable of correct analysis and synthesis. Argue logically and consistently


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good knowledge

Analysis and synthesis skills: Has good analysis and synthesis skills. The arguments are expressed consistently


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Knowledge more than good

Ability to analyze and synthesize: He has considerable abilities of analysis and synthesis


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent knowledge

Ability to analyze and synthesize: He has considerable abilities of analysis and synthesis.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The ongoing tests (2 or 3) will concern the parts of the program developed before the test which will consist of multiple choice and open-ended questions, especially on the main biological cycles of the groups treated in class.

The herbarium test requires the recognition of the family on two or three specimens with the description of the main characteristics of the vegetative and reproductive part (flower and fruit)

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