AGRICOLTURA, ALIMENTAZIONE E AMBIENTE (Di3A)Agricultural BiotechnologyAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Carmelo RAPISARDA

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to provide knowledge on the most modern investigation techniques, including molecular ones, applicable to both basic and applied studies on insects. In particular, students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on: i) morphology, anatomy and physiology of insects; ii) impact of phytophagous insects on agricultural crops; iii) means of control of phytophagous insects, with particular reference to the use of biological control agents, to genetic control, to the use of resistant transgenic plants, to the use of fusion proteins and RNAi, to techniques deriving from the genetic modification of insects and the applications of molecular technologies for the development of new synthetic and biological insecticides; iv) role of vector insects in the spread of phytopathogenic agents; v) genetic mechanisms of insect resistance to insecticides and related prevention strategies.


2) Applying knowledge and understanding: Through the acquisition of knowledge on the biology and physiology of insects, as well as on insect - plant - microorganism relationships, students will acquire the ability to program modern strategies for sustainable control of insects harmful to agricultural productions and food, with particular reference to control methods that involve the use of biotechnologies.


3) Making judgements: With the help of lectures, laboratory exercises, field visits and seminars, students will acquire full autonomy in the analysis of insect infestations in the agricultural field, developing autonomy of judgment for the choice of the most suitable and modern control measures.


4) Communication skills: Through the reading of scientific articles and participation in seminars to complete some topics, but above all through the realization, at the end of the course, of thematic group studies with consequent presentation of the relative results, students will develop a correct technical-scientific terminology in the field of entomological biotechnologies as well as the ability to work and communicate in groups, also through the simulation of interactions in the workplace.

5) Learning skills: The course will contribute to the development of skills and autonomy of analysis useful for the development of skills in carrying out research activities, especially aimed at finding scientifically valid sources of information, the analysis of scientific results and the preparation of the thesis, also preparing students for the continuation of higher level university studies.

Course Structure

Lectures (21 hours) and exercises (laboratory activities, field visits, seminars, group work) (42 hours). Lessons will take place with the help of PowerPoint presentations that will be made available to students on the Studium platform.

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.


To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on the didactic objectives and specific needs. It is also possible to contact the CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and / or SLDs) referents of the Department.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of general and animal biology is important in order to understand the contents of the course. Solid notions of zoological systematics are also helpful.

Attendance of Lessons

Not compulsory but highly recommended because it facilitates the learning process and the evaluation of merit of the student.

Detailed Course Content

- Generalities on insects: outline of morphology, anatomy and physiology, with particular attention to the nervous, digestive, secretory and reproductive systems and to the regulation of the immune response.

- Insects and plants: negative effects and harmfulness.

- Laboratory techniques (with particular attention to olfactometry and antennography techniques) and breeding techniques for the study of phytophagous insects and their natural enemies.

- Basic aspects on the control strategies of harmful insects: notes on cultural, physical, mechanical, biological and chemical means of control. Biological control (BC) and integrated control (IPM) of pests.

- The genome of insects. Molecular investigation methods used in the species identification. Bioinformatics applied to entomological studies.

- Ethology and chemical ecology of insects: semiochemicals. Natural defense systems of plants: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and related laboratory studies. Plant-insect interactions: natural plant defenses Arhtropod-induced plant defences.

- Entomopathogenic viruses and bacteria. Bacillus thuringiensis. Biotechnologies applied to entomopathogenic microorganisms.

- Genetic manipulations of plants for the defense against harmful insects. GMO and insects. Evaluation of ecotoxicological aspects and resistance management.

- Genetic and autocidal strategies for the control of harmful insects. Sterile Insect Technique (SIT).

- Development of insecticidal molecules. Resistance of insects to insecticides: genetic-molecular basis; resistance management.

- RNAi and Genome editing in agricultural entomology.

- Vector insects and transmission of phytopathogenic agents. Molecular techniques for the study of insect-vector interactions - phytopathogenic agents.

Textbook Information

1.     Gullan P.J., Cranston P.S., 2006 – Lineamenti di Entomologia. Zanichelli.

2.     Pennacchio F. (ed.), 2014 – Gli insetti e il loro controllo. Liguori Editore.

3.     Vinciskas A. (ed.), 2011 – Insect Biotechnology. Springer.

4.     PowerPoint presentations of the lessons, provided by the teacher through the Studium platform.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Generalities on insects: outline of morphology, anatomy and physiology, with particular attention to the nervous, digestive, secretory and reproductive systems and to the regulation of the immune response.Text 1:Text 4
2Insects and plants: negative effects and harmfulness.Text 1; Text 2; Text 4
3Basic aspects on control strategies of harmful insects: notes on cultural, physical, mechanical, biological and chemical means of control. Biological (BC) and integrated control (IPM) of pests.Text 2; Text4 
4The insects genome. Molecular investigation methods used in the species identification. Bioinformatics applied to entomological studies.Text 2; Text 4
5Ethology and chemical ecology of insects: semiochemicals. Natural defense systems of plants: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and related laboratory studies. Plant-insect interactions: Arhtropod-induced plant defences.Text 2; Text 4
6Entomopathogenic viruses and bacteria. Bacillus thuringiensis. Biotechnologies applied to entomopathogenic microorganisms.Text 2; Text 3; Text 4
7Genetic manipulations of plants for the control of harmful insects. GMO and insects. Evaluation of ecotoxicological aspects and resistance management.Text 2; Text 3; Text 4
8Genetic and autocidal strategies for the control of harmful insects. Sterile Insect Technique (SIT).Text 2; Text 4
9Development of insecticidal molecules. Resistance of insects to insecticides: genetic-molecular basis; resistance management.Text 2; Text 4
10RNAi and Genome editing in agricultural entomology.Text 2; Text 3; Text 4
11Vector insects and transmission of phytopathogenic agents. Molecular techniques for the study of insect-vector interactions - phytopathogenic agents.Text 2; Text 4

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

During the course, at the end of the discussion of each topic or groups of related topics, a common discussion on the topic will be organized. At the end of the course, groups of 3-4 students will analyse a case study, agreed with the teacher and published in a scientific journal, and will make a presentation in the classroom lasting 30-45 minutes. A final oral interview will complete the assessment of the individual students, allowing to verify their degree of learning.

As a summary of the above activities, the assessment of the preparation of individual students will take place on the basis of the following criteria: learning ability and level of depth of the topics covered, properties of synthesis and presentation, reasoning skills. The marks attributed will follow the following scheme:


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Important shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize.

Use of references: Completely inappropriate.


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At the threshold level. Obvious imperfections.

Analysis and synthesis skills: Just enough skills.

Use of references: As appropriate.


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge.

Analysis and synthesis skills: Correct analysis and synthesis, with logical and coherent argumentation skills.

Use of references: Use of standard references.


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Good, with arguments expressed consistently.

Use of references: Use of standard references.


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: More than good.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Remarkable.

Use of references: In-depth.


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Remarkable.

Use of references: Important insights.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

- The nervous system of insects: anatomy and physiology (with specific mention of the mechanisms involved in transmission of nerve impulses).

- The digestive system of insects: anatomy and physiology.

- The secretory system of insects: anatomy and physiology (with particular reference to endocrine secretion and the hormones involved in post-embryonic development).

- The reproductive system of insects: anatomy and physiology.

- Negative effects induced by different groups of insects to plants.

- Methods of carrying out olfactometer experiments.

- Methods of carrying out experiments in the electroantennograph.

- Cultural, physical and mechanical control of harmful insects.

- Biological control of harmful insects.

- Chemical control of harmful insects (with particular reference to the development of new insecticide molecules).

- Biological (BC) and integrated (IPM) control of pests.

- Examples of molecular applications for the identification of insect species.

- Bioinformatics and its applications in the study of insects.

- Semiochemicals, with specific reference to pheromones, and their use in the control of harmful insects.

- Laboratory techniques for the study of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) produced by plants.

- Arhtropod-induced plant defences: meaning and examples in nature.

- Entomopathogenic microorganisms and their use in the control of harmful insects.

- Genetic manipulations and biotechnical applications for the production of entomopathogenic microorganisms.

- Genetic manipulations to improve the mechanisms of tolerance or resistance of plants to pests.

- Ecotoxicological aspects in the use of GMOs for crop protection against harmful insects.

- Resistance phenomena of harmful insects to GMOs and management possibilities.

- Sterile Insect Technique (SIT): methods and fields of application.

- Genes involved in the processes of resistance to insecticide used for protecting agricultural crops.

- Strategies for managing the resistance of insects to insecticides.

- Fields of application of the RNAi technique for the control of harmful insects.

- Mode of transmission of phytopathogenic agents by vector insects.

- Insect vector - phytopathogenic agents interactions and molecular techniques for their study.

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