SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE E BIOTECNOLOGICHEHuman Movement SciencesAcademic Year 2022/2023

1002517 - FISIOLOGIA A - L
Module 1002519 - FISIOLOGIA II


Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of the primary mechanisms by which the various organs and systems work, the manner with which they cooperate harmoniously in order to maintain the homeostasis of the internal medium. Special knowledge of physiological adaptations to movement.

Course Structure

Lectures and theoretical-practical exercises.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites:  Biochemistry and Anatomy exams.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is required.

Detailed Course Content

The nervous system

Organization of the nervous system: central and peripheral structures.

Sensory function of the nervous system. Somatic sensations: general organization. Sensory receptors. Transmission of somatosensory impulses to the central nervous system.

The tactile and  position senses. Pain and thermal sensations. Trigeminal sensitivity.

The sense of hearing. Inner ear receptors. Central auditory mechanisms.

The sense of vision. The eye: optics of vision. Receptor and neural function of the retina. Central neurophysiology of vision.

The organization of voluntary movement: cortical and brainstem control of motor function. Motor cortex, supplementary areas, cerebellum, basal ganglia, spinal cord. Vestibular sensations and maintenance of equilibrium.

Reflex movements: general properties. Spinal reflexes.

Intellectual functions of the brain, learning and memory. Cerebral cortex. The hippocampus.

Behavioural and motivational mechanisms in the brain: the limbic system and the hypothalamus. 

The autonomic nervous system and the adrenal medulla: general organization. Basic characteristics of sympathetic and parasympathetic function. Autonomic reflexes.


Muscle physiology

Skeletal muscle physiology. Resting potential and action potential in skeletal muscle fibers. Molecular mechanisms of muscle contraction. Role of calcium in muscle contraction. Excitation-contraction coupling. Characteristics of whole-muscle contraction. Isotonic and isometric modes of contraction.

Smooth muscle structure and function. Nervous and hormonal control of smooth muscle contraction.


The endocrine system.

Hormones: structure, function, action mechanism. Segulation of hormone secretion.

Pituitary hormones and their control by the hypothalamus.

Insulin, glucagon and diabetes mellitus.

Adrenocortical hormones.

Thyroid hormones.

Parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, vitamin D: role in calcium and phosphate metabolism.

Reproductive and hormonal function in male and female organism.

Textbook Information

Various Authors -  Fisiologia umana - Elementi - Casa Editrice Edi.Ermes, 2019 Milano.

Silverthorn – FISIOLOGIA –Ambrosiana, Milano.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction to the study of the nervous system. The neuron. The cells of the Glia. Cellular excitability. The synapse.
2Excitation and contraction of skeletal muscles. Mechanical aspects of muscle contraction. Metabolic aspects of muscle contraction.
3Thermal and pain sensitivity: The spinothalamic system. The trigeminal sensitivity.
4Reflex activities. Motor functions of the spinal cord. The vestibular apparatus. The vestibular reflexes.
5The cerebellum: locations and main functions. The cerebral cortex: organization of voluntary movement.
6The endocrine system. Hormones and their mechanisms of action.
7The hypothalamus pituitary axis. The pituitary hormones. Thyroid. Parathyroid glands.
8The endocrine pancreas.
10The autonomic nervous system. The adrenal gland.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final test consists of an oral test that the student can take in one of the sessions on the calendar.

In itinere tests are foreseen in order to detect the effectiveness of the learning and teaching processes.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Functions of the central and peripheral nervous system. Functions of the glia. Sensory physiology: tactile, thermal, proprioceptive and nociceptive. Physiology of vision, hearing and speech. Trigeminal Sensitivity. Spinal motor coordination mechanisms: reflex actions. The cerebellum, the basal ganglia. Organization of voluntary movement. Cortical areas, cortico-spinal pathway. Synaptic plasticity, neurotrophic factors. Modes of muscle contraction. Mode of action of hormones. Hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Hormonal control of blood sugar. Control of calcium. Hormonal controls on growth.

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