SCIENZE POLITICHE E SOCIALISociology and Social WorkAcademic Year 2022/2023

Module 1016587 - Metodi e tecniche del servizio sociale I


Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to favour knowledge and understanding of social worker's intervention and its professional practices.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons and exercises

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of principles and basics of social work

Detailed Course Content

The course provides the basic knowledge related to the evolution of theoretical models for professional social work and it deepens the phases of the helping process. Particular attention is paid to networking between institutions and services, the enhancement of primary networks of intervention beneficiaries and group work, understood both as professional teams and work with groups of users.

The course also includes a focus on anti-poverty measures (CAS, SIA, ReI, Reddito di Cittadinanza), with particular reference to the role of the professional social service. The choice of such a focus is due to the fact that, by overcoming the traditional dichotomy between cash and in kind services, anti-poverty measures favour the creation of a stable institutional network of social services on the territory, within which social worker plays a key-role.

Taking into account the professionalising nature of the course, several moments dedicated to in-depth studies and exercises concerning the social worker's intervention process are carried out during the lessons.

Textbook Information

-        Fargion S. (2013, ristampa 2022). Il metodo del servizio sociale, Carocci. Capp. 2, 3, 4 (pp. 47 – 177);

-        Ferrari M., Miodini S. (2018). La presa in carico nel servizio sociale, Carocci. Capp. 1, 3, 4 (pp. 17 – 55; 89 – 170)

-        Mesini D. (a cura di) (2018). Lotta alla povertà: i servizi al centro, Maggioli. Capp. 2, 3, 4 (pp. 33 – 109)

-        Piano per gli interventi e i servizi sociali di contrasto alla povertà 2018-2020

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination

Versione in italiano