AGRICOLTURA, ALIMENTAZIONE E AMBIENTE (Di3A)Catering and logistics science and technology of the Mediterranean foodAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Riccardo Nunzio BARBAGALLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course provides an overview of the theoretical and applicative knowledge concerning food quality (QA) and safety management standards. This knowledge includes the theory of system as well as the main mandatory and voluntary standards for management in food processing (by-products, ingredients and food products), even in the context of fraudulent actions. Furthermore, particular attention will be focused on recognition and management of safety issues in the following specific areas: foods from plants, animals and complex products. After the end of the study, the student will be able to design, manage and implement a Quality System in compliance with EU Food Hygiene and Safety Assurance System (Reg. EC 852, 853, 854/2004; Reg. EC 882/2004).

Course Structure

The course is organized in interactive lectures (28 h) and other activities (28 h), as tutorials and study visits. If teaching is done in mixed or remote mode, specific changes to the program planned and outlined in the syllabus may need to be made. Learning assessment may be done remotely if necessary.

Information for students with disabilities and/or DSA
As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of Centro per l'Inclusione Attiva e Partecipata, in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia and Anna De Angelis.

Detailed Course Content

Scope, articulation and limits of the course – Food Quality Evolution - Global Quality - Local, National and European labels - Role and limits of standardization in gastronomic business (restaurants, catering, etc.) - Safety and role of contaminants of different nature - Factors affecting quality and safety in gastromic business: intrinsic characteristics of the dishes (raw materials, by-products and ingredients) and type of "bond" (fresh-hot, refrigerated, frozen, mixed bond), extrinsic characteristics (variables and constraints imposed by the structure of catering, seasonal variability and storage) - Identification and control of quality and safety markers in the specific area - Quality and safety relating to the use of food additives and flavorings - Fraud and Italian Sounding - Commodity aspects of food classifications - BDA (food composition database for epidemiological studies in Italy) - Food and brands in Europe - PDCA cycle and traceability - Mandatory and voluntary standards in the management of quality systems (Reg. UE 775/2018; Reg. CE 178/2002; Reg. CE 1169/2001 and Dgls 231/2017; Standards ISO 9001:2015; GlobalGap) - Management and implementation of Quality Systems - Leadership and duties - Technical procedures, documentation validation and traceability - Practical examples and applications for the development of a guarantee system compliant with the Hygiene Package (Reg. EC 852, 853, 854 of 2004; EC Reg. 882/2004).

Textbook Information

Reference books

During the course the professor will provide in digital form, through the Studium platform and in the classrom, essential and supplementary teaching materials.

Texts for consultation and readings

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