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Please visit the English page of this course
1. D.C. Montgomery, “Statistical Quality Control”, 6th edn or successive, Wiley.
2. C. Cochran, “ISO 9001: 2015 in plain English”, 2015, Paton Professional, ISBN: 978-1-932828-72-6. A recent guide to the implementation of the new ISO 9000: 2015.
3. K. Magnusson, D. Kroslid, B. Bergman, 2003, “Six Sigma: The Pragmatic Approach, Studentilitteratur, Sweden, ISBN: 9-789-144-028033. A professional text presenting the Six Sigma approach.
4. Q. Brook, “Lean Six Sigma & Minitab”, 4th edn., 2014, OPEX Resources Ltd, ISBN-13: 978-0954681388. A very good text for professional use of Minitab in a lean Six Sigma context.
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