SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONEPedagogical sciences and educational planningAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Maria TOMARCHIO

Expected Learning Outcomes

-To be able to use, in a critical manner, concepts characterizing the environmental education and in particular the reciprocity between environment and culture that is a fundamental element of the human identity and the basis of the establishment of democratic processes and inclusion.

-  Acquire theoretical and operational tools to develop, and address issues in relation to the design, plan of environmental educational practice models in the pedagogical and clinical areas. This aims at reconciling the ecosystem protection and the development of wellbeing in various contexts at a local, regional, national and European leve

Course Structure

frontal lessons with laboratory

Required Prerequisites

Educational design and pedagogy

Attendance of Lessons

Discretionary, but recommended

Detailed Course Content

The following topics will be discussed and analysed:

- the relationship between people and contexts in contemporary pedagogy;

-models and theories of environment;

-culture of sustainability, human development, ethical and social responsibility;

-the metaphor of the practice of the cultivation of the earth from a pedagogical perspective;

-skills, related to the environmental education and sustainable development, to promote intercultural dialogue, environmental protection, social cohesion, legality and active democratic citizenship;

- the value of the difference (biological and cultural) for the protection of the common good in a perspective of integration / inclusion;

- best environmental education practices

Most modules are taught by some combination of lectures, seminars and workshops.

Textbook Information

- M. Tomarchio, G. D’Aprile,V. La Rosa, Natura-Cultura. Paesaggi oltreconfine dell’innovazione educativo-didattica, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2018, (pp.149)

- M. Tomarchio, G. D'Aprile, La terra come luogo di cura educativa. Metafore e tracce nel tempo, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno, 2014 (pp.155) 

- A.A.VV. ( a cura di), Educazione alla sostenibilità, numero monografico della rivista “Pedagogia Oggi”  Rivista semestrale SIPED anno XVI,  vol. 1, giugno 2018 (pp.1 - 305). PDF scaricabile all'indirizzo web:;

- MeTis - Rivista internazionale di Pedagogia, Didattica e Scienze della Formazione (V. 11 N. 1 - 2021), Storie dis-seminate e impliciti della storia collettiva, L'editoriale e i saggi da p. 1 a p.94 e da p.141 a p. 194; Rivista Open - PDF scaricabili al sito;

- Tomarchio M., La Rosa V., Sicilia/Europa. Culture in dialogo, memoria operante, processi formativi, Aracne, 2014 (parte III).

M. Tomarchio, G. D’Aprile,V. La RosaNatura-Cultura. Paesaggi oltreconfine dell’innovazione educativo-didatticaFrancoAngeli20189788891779175
M. Tomarchio, G. D'Aprile La terra come luogo di cura educativa. Metafore e tracce nel tempoBonanno20158863180474
A.A.VV.   (PEDAGOGIA OGGI)Educazione alla sostenibilitàPensaMultimediaanno XVI,  vol. 1., giugno 2018 num. mon.   “Pedagogia Oggi”  Rivista semestrale OPEN  SIPED 
AA. VV. (MeTis) Storie dis-seminate e impliciti della storia collettivaProgeditV. 11 N. 1 - 2021MeTis. Rivista internazionale OPEN di Pedagogia, Didattica e Scienze della Formazione  
Tomarchio M., La Rosa V.Sicilia/Europa. Culture in dialogo, memoria operante, processi formativiARACNE20149788854877009

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral Exam

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Sustainable  development

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