IUS/13 - 7 CFU - 2° semestre

Docente titolare dell'insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

Knowledge and comprehension
This course provides students a focused insight into the transnational legal dimensions of today’s world and the opportunity to critically discuss and understand the different methods of making, interpreting and enforcing the law beyond the domestic legal orders.
Student attending the Transnational Law Course on a regular basis are expected to gain advanced knowledge in public/private international law, international organization and comparative legal systems getting acquainted with the state of the art scientific debate as well as with a deeper understanding of transnational legal conflicts and processes in a wider and integrated perspective.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Being capable of first advanced problem-solving in laws interpretation and enforcement, writing a paper and delivering a public presentation on a given subject. This enables the attainment of further higher educational levels within the areas of interests of transnational law programs.
Making Judgments
Brain Storming Sessions are offered in order to provide students with critical thought and specific communication skills
Communication Skills
Essay-writing Drills are offered through the course, in order to empower students to a better use of their written communication skills
Learning Skills
At the end of this course students are able to use autonomously materials and cases provided throughout the course

Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento


This course consists of Taught Seminars providing students a focused insight into the transnational legal dimensions of today’s world and the opportunity to critically discuss and understand the different methods of making, interpreting and enforcing the law beyond the domestic legal orders.

Students attending the Transnational Law Course on a regular basis are expected to gain advanced knowledge in public/private international law, international organization and comparative legal systems getting acquainted with the state of the art scientific debate as well as with a deeper understanding of transnational legal conflicts and processes in a wider and integrated perspective.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, changes may occur, if necessary, with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the Syllabus.

Informazioni per studenti con disabilità e/o DSA
A garanzia di pari opportunità e nel rispetto delle leggi vigenti, gli studenti interessati possono chiedere un colloquio personale col docente in modo da programmare eventuali misure compensative e/o dispensative, in base agli obiettivi didattici ed alle specifiche esigenze.
E' possibile rivolgersi anche al docente referente CInAP (Centro per l’integrazione Attiva e Partecipata - Servizi per le Disabilità e/o i DSA) del nostro Dipartimento, prof. Condorelli.

Prerequisiti richiesti

Per le propedeuticità formali consultare il regolamento didattico della coorte di riferimento disponibile nella pagina dedicata

Conflict of Laws an Asset

Frequenza lezioni


Contenuti del corso

The Course is structured in two parts

Part 1 shall consist of an introductory Seminar on General Issues of Transnational Law

Part 2 shall be devoted to an examination of the so called European Public International Law transnational insights

Testi di riferimento

1. Maria M. Pappalardo, What is Transnational Law? A Trip through a Still Unknown Land, CRIO Papers 50 (2020)

2. Rosario Sapienza, The Return of European Public International Law. A Manifesto, CRIO Papers 52 (2020)

Rosario Sapienza, La Rivincita dei territori tra Geodiritto e diritto internazionale. A Geo-Legal Approach to Public International Law Theory and Practice, CRIO Papers 56 (2020)

Altro materiale didattico

See the Studium Page

Programmazione del corso

 ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1What is Transnational Law?
2Transnational Law. The European Momentum 2

Verifica dell'apprendimento


Written assignment discussion

The test/exam will be assessed according to the following criteria established by the Board of the Degree Course (September 17, 2018):

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.


The Role of States in Transnational Law

Transnational Law and European Studies

The Italian Pathway to Transnational Law

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