SCIENZE DEL FARMACO E DELLA SALUTEApplied Pharmaceutical SciencesAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide basic knowledge of the regulatory aspects of the herbal and complementary sectors. The course is organized in frontal lessons with  active learning practices. The student will acquire a general knowledge of the rules governing manipulation, the transformation and production of herbal products in their various uses (pharmaceutical, health, cosmetic, food), as well as their presentation and marketing in herbal medicine and in pharmaceutical businesses. Information will also be acquired on national and European regulations concerning the sectors complementary items of interest to the herbalist (cosmetic products, foods and foods for specific groups, food supplements, enriched foods, Novel Foods).

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

 - Develop a nutritional label for a nutraceutical product;

 -Recognize the formal correctness or inaccuracies in the labeling of food and nutraceutical products;

-Identify the correct regulatory procedures in the sector;

-Compile and interpret a phytovigilance form;

-Differentiate the legislation of different medicinal, nutraceutical and health products;

-Provide regulatory consultancy to manufacturing and commercial companies in the sector.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons. If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites are required for class attendance

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory, as required by the educational system

Detailed Course Content


Notes on national and supranational legislation

The national normative sources and their hierarchical placement; The main normative sources: ordinary laws and acts having the force of law (legislative decrees and legislative decrees), regional laws, regulations, single texts and codes, circulars. Institutional health bodies: Ministry of Health, Higher Council of Health, Higher Institute of Health, Italian Medicines Agency. Supranational legislation: acts of the European Union, United Nations Organization, European Union, European Medicines Agency, Food and Drug Administration, World Health Organization. Definition and development of medicines. Definition of medicinal product, classification of medicinal products; Legislative Decree 219/06; Relationship between medicines and complementary sectors of health interest; Legislation on the production and marketing of medicines: AP (GMP); AIC (related procedures, application for registration). Pharmacovigilance.

 Regulatory framework for plant-based products and their derivatives

Herbal medicine and herbal medicine; Herbal medicines (prepackaged products and extemporaneous preparations); Regulations on phytotherapeutic products: Community Directive 2004/24; Traditional herbal medicine and herbal medicine (traditional use; well-established use); Community monographs and community list; Special provisions relating to traditional herbal medicines; Committee for Herbal Medicines (HMPC). Norms on officinal plants: law 6 January 1931, n. 99 "Discipline of the cultivation, harvesting and trade of medicinal plants"; Royal Decree 26 May 1932, n. 772 "List of plants declared officinal"; Regional law 23 May 1994, n. 9 "Rules for the exercise of herbal professional activities"; Legislative Decree 21 May 2018, n. 75 “Consolidated law on the cultivation, harvesting and first processing of medicinal plants”. Phytovigilance: epicenter, vigierbe, phytotherapeutic interactions and conventional drugs.


Regulations concerning the food sector

Foods: definition, regulatory aspects and classification (Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002); European Food Safety Authority (EFSA); Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF); Preservation of food products (HACCP system; self-control plan); Food labeling (Regulation (EU) 1169/2011); Claims (Regulation (EC) 1924/2006; nutrition and health claims).

Foods for specific groups (FSG): definition, regulatory aspects and classification: regulation (EU) 609/2013; baby food (infant formula and follow-on formula; cereal-based and baby food); Foods for special medical purposes (AFMS); Substitutes for the entire daily food ration for weight control; Authorization for the production and packaging of FSG foods; Labeling, marketing and advertising of FSG foods;

Novel food: definition and classification according to Regulation (EC) n. 258/97 and the new Regulation (EC) 2015/2283; marketing authorization and labeling; Union list. - Food supplements: definition, regulatory aspects; Vitamin and / or mineral supplements (Regulation (EC) No. 1170/2009 and subsequent amendments and additions); supplements containing probiotics and prebiotics; supplements containing plant substances (DM 9 July 2012; BELFRIT project; DM 10 August 2018); weight control supplements. Labeling, manufacturing and packaging.

Enriched foods

Notes on the legislation in the cosmetics sector

Definition of cosmetic, current legislation, safety of cosmetics, active ingredients in cosmetics of plant origin, production, traceability and label of cosmetics. Vigilance on cosmetic products.

Textbook Information

1. F. Bettiol, F.F. Vincieri, Manuale delle preparazioni Erboristiche, III ed. Tecniche nuove.

2. V. Silano, M. Silano, Prodotti di origine vegetale, Tecniche Nuove, 2006
3. P. Minghetti: Legislazione Farmaceutica, ottava edizione, CEA, Milano (consultazione su
Cosmetici, Codice dei Medicinali, DL.vo sugli Integratori)
4. L. Casettari, G. Barberini, Legislazione farmaceutica nella pratica professionale Copertina rigida – 15 novembre 2021

5.Capasso – Grandolini:  FITOFARMACIA, aggiornamento Ed. Sprinter, 2a Ediz. 2006.

6. Materials provided by the professor

7. Text of the law

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Notes on national and supranational legislation-Materials provided by the professor; -Barberini-Casettari Legislazione farmaceutica nella pratica professionale chapter 2
2Definition and development of medicines  -Barberini-Casettari Legislazione farmaceutica nella pratica professionale chapter 8 e 20; -Minghetti Legislazione farmaceutica X ed. chapter 7; -text of law
3Regulatory framework for plant-based products and their derivatives -materials provided by the professor; V.Silano,Prodotti di origine vegetale, Tecniche Nuove,2006. Parte2; F.Bettiol, Manuale delle prep.Erboristiche, III ed.Tecniche nuove chap1; -Capasso FITOFARMACIA, Ed.Sprinter, aggiorna2a Ed.2006. chap 20 -text of law
4Regulations of foods law -materials provided by the professor; Barberini Legislazione farmaceutica nella pratica professionale chap25; V. Silano, Prodotti di origine vegetale, Tecniche Nuove, 2006. Parte3;Minghetti Legislazione farmaceutica X ed.chap14; Bettiol chap1; text of law
5Notes on the regulations of cosmetics field -Barberini-Casettari Leg. farmaceutica nella pratica professionale chap27; -V. Silano, M. Silano, Prodotti di origine vegetale, Tecniche Nuove, 2006. Part 6; -Minghetti Leg.farmaceutica X ed.cap13 -F.Bettiol, F.F.Vincieri,Manuale delle prep. erb. chap 1

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination. The exam dates are published on the website of the Department of Drug and Health Sciences

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

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