SCIENZE UMANISTICHECommunication of culture and performing artsAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to illustrate the language and the basic techniques of digital performance, with specific references to digital creativity, digital storytelling and multimedia Opera.

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate: 1. knowledge and understanding Know the main topics of the course and understand the theoretical concepts 2. ability to apply knowledge and understanding Express interdisciplinary considerations starting from the different approaches on liveness, multimedia performance and Opera 3. autonomy of judgment Integrate the knowledge of the course and formulate interpretative hypotheses on the proposed case studies 4. communication skills Development of the specialized lexicon referring to the proposed field of study 5. learning skill Autonomy in the recognition of bibliographic sources and in the integration of contents

Course Structure

Lectures with projection of audiovisual materials, in-depth seminars with scholars and artists

Detailed Course Content

The key contents of the course will be divided in two section: the first (A) will address the relationship between video and stage, the difference between real and virtual space, the relationship between liveness and interactive performance. An in-depth module (B) will be dedicated to the direction of the Opera and its multimedia refractions.

Textbook Information

MODULE A Liveness, media, teatro (4 ECTS)

Texts: -V. Del Gaudio, Théatron. Verso una mediologia del teatro e della performance, Roma, Meltemi, 2001, pp. 216. - AA.VV., Gradienti di liveness. Lo shaping socio-tecnico delle arti performative tra online e offline, «Connessioni remote. Artivismo, teatro, tecnologia», n. 3, 12/2021,

MODULE B Opera Project: la regia lirica alla prova dei media (2 ECTS)

Texts: - G. Carluccio, S. Rimini, La trasversalità dei linguaggi nella regia d’opera contemporanea. Il caso Davide Livermore, in Re-directing. La regia nello spettacolo del XXI secolo, a cura di L. Bandirali, F. Ceraolo, D. Castaldo, Salento University Press, 2020, pp. 9-23. - Focus ARIE,«Arabeschi», a. X, n. 19, gennaio-giugno 2022, . Video analysis: A riveder le stelle, regia di Davide Livermore, Teatro alla Scala, 2020 La traviata, regia di Mario Martone, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, 2021 Riccardo Schicchi, regia di Damiano Michieletto, 2021

 Please remember that in compliance with art 171 L22.04.1941, n. 633 and its amendments, it is illegal to copy entire books or journals, only 15% of their content can be copied. For further information on sanctions and regulations concerning photocopying please refer to the regulations on copyright (Linee Guida sulla Gestione dei Diritti d’Autore) provided by AIDRO - Associazione Italiana per i Diritti di Riproduzione delle opere dell’ingegno (the Italian Association on Copyright). All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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