ECONOMIA E IMPRESAEconomics and management of territory and tourismAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Romilda RIZZO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims at providing analytical tools to examine and understand the relationship between the economic system main and the various aspects of the cultural sector, with special attention both to public intervention motivations and tools and to the economic features of private cultural markets. Alongside the theoretical analysis, the Italian cultural sector will be examined in a comparative perspective and some case studies will be investigated (Knowledge and understanding).

Students will apply their knowledge critically, also analysing official documents and data and investigating case studies in a comparative perspective (Applying knowledge and understanding).  

Analysing different theoretical approaches and using information from various types of multidisciplinary sources, students will improve their evaluation abilities in the analysis of the public and private components of the cultural sector, of its interactions with the local context and of the related policy implications (Making judgments).

The presentation of the theoretical and empirical issues of the interaction between the economic system and the cultural sector and of the policy implications will allow students to acquire adequate knowledge of technical words and terminology; oral and written communication skills will be also stimulated through classroom activities - such as discussions and seminars- and written examinations (Communication skills).

Students learning skills will be stimulated through power point presentations, additional didactic material (official documents, websites, economic newspapers and magazines) and discussions, aimed at verifying the understanding of the topics presented in the lectures.  (Learning skills).

Course Structure

Lectures with power point presentation, discussions in class, seminars and analysis of case studies. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, changes with respect to the above statement can be introduced, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus

Detailed Course Content

Definition and measurement of cultural sector; Market failure and reasons for public intervention. Tools of public intervention and decision-making process; Demand and supply of cultural goods and activities: the role of private sector; Economic organization of cultural and creative industries; Digital creative economy; Cultural heritage; Museums; Performing arts; Valuation methodologies; Festivals, creative cities and cultural tourism; Cultural policies in a comparative perspective. 

Textbook Information

  1. R. Towse, A Textbook of Cultural Economics, Cambridge University Press, 2019:  chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10 and 11.                                                                                                       AS ALTERNATIVE to chapters 1, 6, 8, 9 e 10 (only for par. ‘Economics of festival’) students can use G. Candela - A. Scorcu, Economia delle arti, ed. Zanichelli, Bologna, 2004, only chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (boxes ‘L’Architetto’ are optional).
  2. Symbola, Io sono cultura, Unioncamere, 2021, chapter 2 ("I numeri delle industrie culturali e creative in Italia", pp. 65-129). 
  3. I. Mazza, I. Rizzo, “Scelte collettive e beni culturali”, in Valentino P.A. - G. Mossetto (eds.), Museo contro Museo, Giunti, Firenze, 2001, pp. 41-54.
  4. C. Guccio, G. B. Pollicchino, S. Levi Sacerdotti, I. Rizzo “Il profilo dei turisti con motivazioni culturali: analisi comparata attraverso GPS e questionari sui visitatori del Lago d’Orta”, in V. Tomaselli, R. D’Agata (eds.), Turismo e territorio: analisi empiriche e approcci metodologici, McGraw Hill, 2012, Milano, pp. 85-98

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Elementi introduttivi all’economia della culturaTesto 1. cap. 1
2Profili economici del settore culturale - attori pubblici, privati e senza fini di lucro Testo 1. cap. 2
3Le statistiche culturali - Problemi di misurazioneTesto 1 cap. 2
4Le industrie culturali e creative. Definizioni e profili quantitativi Testo 1 cap. 2
5La dimensione del settore culturale in Italia Testo 2. cap. 2
6i mercati dei beni e delle attività culturali Testo 1 cap. 3
7Forme di regolazione dei mercati culturaliTesto 1. cap 3
8Organizzazione economica delle industrie creative Testo 1. cap 3
9il mercato dell'arteTesto 1 cap. 3
10Economia creativa digitale – Internet e il settore culturale Testo 1 cap.4
11Caratteristiche economiche dell'economia creativa digitaleTesto 1 cap. 4
12Organizzazione economica del commercio digitale di beni creativiTesto 1 cap. 4
13Regolazione ed economia creativa digitale Testo 1 cap. 4
14Offerta di beni e servizi culturaliTesto 1 cap. 5
15Produzione e costi di beni e attività culturali Testo 1 cap. 5
16Domanda di beni e attività culturali Testo 1. cap.6
17Profili quantitativi e qualitativi della partecipazione culturaleTesto 1 cap. 6
18Elementi di Economia del benessere applicati al settore culturale Testo 1. cap. 7
19Fallimenti del mercato; motivazioni dell’intervento pubblicoTesto 1 cap. 7
20Strumenti dell’intervento pubblico – imposte, spesa, regolamentazione – Testo 1. cap. 7
21Analisi costi-benefici; analisi di impattoTesto 1 cap. 7
22 Il processo decisionale pubblico e le politiche culturaliTesto 3
23Analisi economica degli spettacoli dal vivo - Domanda Testo 1. cap. 8
24Analisi economica degli spettacoli dal vivo - OffertaTesto 1 cap. 8
25Analisi economica dei museiTesto 1 cap. 9
26Analisi economica del patrimonio culturale Testo 1. cap.9
27Turismo culturale Testo 1, cap. 10
28Il profilo dei turisti culturaliTesto 4
29Festival e città creativeTesto 1. cap. 10
30Valutazione economica delle politiche culturaliTesto 1. cap. 11

Versione in italiano