L-FIL-LET/06 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1) supporting a scientific approach to the works of ancient Christian authors through the study of the historical background and cultural heritage;

2) providing the basic tools for a philological approach to the ancient Christian texts, in order to interpret them with autonomous capacity of investigation;

3) understanding the process of cultural fusion between the classical heritage and new Christian content in the most representative authors;

4) encouraging the study of the problems on transmission of ancient Christian texts.

Detailed Course Content

The course is based on the study, conducted with the methods of philological and literary research, of the works of ancient Christian literature with special emphasis on the late antiquity authors of Biblical paraphrase in the IV-VI centuries. Particular attention is paid to the ancient and modern translations of the Bible; to understanding of problems relating to tradition and to the edition of Christian texts; to the literary forms and genres; to the relationship between classical rhetoric and Biblical culture; to the exegetical terminology; to the analysis of symbolic language; to the hermeneutic practice based on the techniques of intertextuality; to the reception of themes and texts of early Christian literature in the later tradition. The course also includes exercises for the application of the main computing resources to the study of Christian literary sources. As supplementary activities, philological and exegetical seminars as well as a teaching course to enhance the study of Latin language are provided for credits relating to "Other training activities".

Textbook Information

A) Principles of Patristic Philology (3 ECTS)


- La Bibbia e le sue versioni antiche e moderne, dispensa a cura di M. R. Petringa, pp. 1-19 (the text will be provided by the teacher on Studium during the lessons).

- G. M. Vian, Bibliotheca divina. Filologia e storia dei testi cri-stiani, Roma, Carocci, 2001, pp. 15-147.

- P. Chiesa, Elementi di critica testuale, Bologna, Pàtron editore, 20122, pp. 11-144, 171-183.

B) Special contents (2 ECTS)

Reading, translation and philological linguistic and literary commentary of excerpts on the late antiquity authors of Biblical paraphrase in the IV-VI centuries. The texts will be provided by the teacher during the lessons.


- A. V. Nazzaro, Motivi e forme della poesia cristiana antica tra Scrittura e tradizione classica, in «Motivi e forme della poesia cristiana antica tra Scrittura e tradizione classica», XXXVI Incontro di studiosi dell'antichità cristiana (Roma, 3-5 maggio 2007), Roma, Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2008, pp. 9-56.


Critical readings (at least two critical readings should be chosen by the student among the following ones):

- M. R. Petringa, Le attestazioni del verbo clepto nel latino tardo e medievale, in «Latin Vulgaire Latin Tardif X», Actes du Xe colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif (Bergamo, 5-9 septembre 2012), Édités par P. Molinelli, P. Cuzzolin et C. Fedriani, II (Sémantique, Lexique, Textes et Contextes), Bergamo, University Press, 2014, pp. 615-626.

- M. R. Petringa, Alcune note esegetiche di Giuseppe Giusto Scaligero al testo dei carmi pseudociprianei, «Commentaria Classica» 2, 2015, 99-108.

- M. R. Petringa, Giovenco, Evangeliorum libri 4, 657-664, «Commen-taria Classica» 3, 2016, pp. 113-120.

- M. R. Petringa, Adamo ed Eva e il frutto proibito nel poema dell’Heptateuchos (gen. 64-90). Testo critico, traduzione e commento, «Commentaria Classica» 4, 2017, pp. 105-118.

- M. R. Petringa, Il paradiso terrestre nella riscrittura del poeta dell’Heptateuchos (gen. 64-133): analisi del lessico delle emozioni, in Spazi e tempi delle emozioni: dai primi secoli all’età bizantina, Atti delle VI Giornate di studio di Letteratura cristiana antica (Università di Catania, 9-11 novembre 2017), Acireale-Roma, Bonanno editore, 2018, pp. 185-207.

C) Computer resources for the study of the ancient Christian authors (1 ECTS)


Le risorse digitali riguardanti gli autori cristiani antichi, dispensa a cura di M. R. Petringa, pp. 1-30 (the text will be provided by the teacher on Studium during the lessons).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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