L-ART/02 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

At the end of the course the student will be able to relate with appropriate terminology the aspects and problems of the art and recognize and provide in their historical and artistic contexts the most representative works of art.

Detailed Course Content

History and geography of art in Italy from the Renaissance to the Baroque (1450-1750) with some in-depth analyses about the works of the Ursino Castle Civic Museum of Catania.

Textbook Information

A textbook, to be studied limitedly to the chronology range (approximately 650 pages), chosen from:


- P. De Vecchi - E. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Milano, Bompiani, 1992 (and later reprints), vol. II [ISBN: 9788845062230]


- C. Bertelli - G. Briganti - A. Giuliano, Storia dell’arte italiana, Milano, B. Mondadori, 1991 (and later reprints), vol. II [ISBN: 9788842446699], vol. III [ISBN: 9788842446705]



Pitture in collezione. Venti opere del museo civico di castello Ursino, a cura di Barbara Mancuso, Valter Pinto, Messina, Magika edizioni, 2018 (pp. 9-201) [ISBN 978-88-89525-44-9]



It is recommended to integrate the textbook with illustrations found on specialized sites such as, for example, www.wga.hu


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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