L-OR/05 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The study of ancient Mediterranean societies aims at developing a better knowledge of how to interpret ancient material culture for the students interested in following an academic path in the field of archaeology. Moreover, the subjects investigated during the course will be useful for a collaborating with national and international companies devoted to excavate, manage, and promote the cultural heritage in Middle Eastern countries (e.g., UNESCO; World Bank, European Community, ICCROM, ICOM, Getty Foundation, World Monument Fund, etc.)

Course Structure

Classes will be performed through the use of traditional lectures and by the use of interactive methods such as group discussions.

Detailed Course Content

Archeology of the eastern Mediterranean will be dedicated to the study of the material culture of the ancient societies that have inhabited a large geographical area limited by the Mediterranean basin, to the west, and by the Euphrates and Tigris, to the east, dating from prehistoric periods until the arrival of Alexander the Great in the region (330 BC). The course will analyse the major archaeological discoveries in the area as well as will tackle topics related to the archaeology of death.

Textbook Information

A Archaeological discoveries in Eastern Mediterranean (3 CFU).

- Matthiae P. (2018) Dalla terra alla storia. Scoperte leggendarie di archeologia orientale. Einaudi.


B Archaeology of death (3 CFU).

- Laneri N. (2011). Archeologia della morte. Roma, Carocci.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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