BIO/11 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The optional course "intra- and inter-cellular vesicle-mediated signaling" aims at providing the student with an integrated view of how organelles are organized in the cytoplasm and how they interact with each other from a structural and functional point of view. Another objective is to introduce the student to the most recent discoveries about the role of extracellular vesicles, in particular exosomes, in the context of cell-to-cell communication.

The student will learn the fundamental techniques for the study of membranes and organelles, such as lipidomics and fractionation by ultracentrifugation and sucrose gradient. Ultimately, the student will be able to acquire a '3D vision' of the cell, and of the molecular dynamics of vesicle-mediated signaling, both within the cell and with the microenvironment.

Course Structure

Lectures and exercises.

Detailed Course Content

I) Composition of cell membranes and methodology: lipidomics

II) Intracellular vesicles: from the nucleus to the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus

III) Organelles as metabolic units: mitochondria and "lipid droplets"

IV) Degradative organelles: peroxisome, lysosome and autophagy

V) Cell membrane and invaginations: the endosome

VI) Extracellular vesicles: classification, biogenesis and pathophysiological functions

VII) Extracellular vesicles: diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities

Textbook Information

Molecular Biology of the Cell (6th edition) - Alberts B. et al.

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