Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system: Acute and chronic cerebrovascular diseases (ischemia, cerebral hemorrhages, transient ischemic attacks). Disorders of the upper nervous functions (aphasias, apraxias, agnosia, amnesia). Dementia (primitive, secondary and transmissible). Diseases of the extrapyramidal system and movement disorders ( Parkinson's disease, multisystem atrophy, cortico-basal degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy), Motoneuron diseases (ALS, spinal muscular atrophy), Demyelinating diseases (Multiple sclerosis). Meningo-encephalitis. Epilepsies. Headache. Myelopathy. Acute and chronic neuropathies. Primitive and secondary myopathies. Neuromuscular junction disorders (myasthenia and myastheniform syndromes).
The aim is to provide the knowledge of the main musculoskeletal diseases of orthopedic and traumatology. The course provides knowledge regarding common orthopedic and traumatological diseases in physical and sports activities, related to their impact on the planning, organization, and management of motor activities, in relation to the various ages : from thepediatric age to the elderly.
Provide students with the basics in relation to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in order to understand how to intervene in the process of functional recovery after a disabling event and program shooting sports or common activities of daily living |
Teaching lessons, in the days, times and programmed venues, aimed at knowing and recognizing neurological diseases, particularly those that affect the capacity and motor skills
Frontal lession. PPT files.
During each lecture, the lecturer, through a didactic path based on the explanation of the most important pathological events and therefore on their after-effects in particular on the residual disabilities, shows how to operate in the rehabilitation field, in particular the rehabilitation of the sportsman up to his recovery, where possible.
Acquisition of the essential notions to differentiate lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system, between diseases of the pyramidal, extrapyramidal or cerebellar system, differentiate between organic or functional disorders, recognize deficits due to nervous or muscular diseases, recognize acute clinical pictures that can compromise survival, critically develop the ability to help patients with acute and chronic neurological injuries.
The course is based on the main orthopaedic and traumatologic disorders, highlighting: epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, imaging investigations, differential diagnosis, prognosis, complications, conservative and surgical treatment.
Notions of manual medicine and massage, electrotherapy and Gate Control Theory, Ultrasound, Shockwave, Magnetic Fields, Laser, FKT in major diseases of the spine, FKT in the main paramorphisms and dysmorphism (scoliosis, knee varus, valgus knee, flat foot , clubfoot, congenital hip dislocation, etc..), the rehabilitation treatment in major trauma, rehabilitation treatment in vertebral fractures, the treatment rehabilitation in overload pathologies functional rehabilitation in reumoatropatie, use of Orthotics and Assistive Technology, electromyography, osteoporosis and physical activity, rehabilitation techniques ( Kabat, Bobath, etc) |
1.Core curriculum, Malattie del Sistema Nervoso, McGraw-Hill, ultima edizione. Autori: C. Ferrarese, I. Appollonio, G. Cavaletti, E. P. Sganzerla, P. Cortelli, A. Federico, M. G. Marciani II Edizione
2.Neurologia | Cambier - Masson - Dehen | Edra - Masson Ultima Edizione
1. Sessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore.
Phisical and Reabilitation Medicine - Pizzetti & Caruso |