The course aims has the purpose of providing the basic knowledge of the structural organization of the human body, in its macroscopic and microscopic aspects, the topographical relationships between the structures and aspects of embryological development and organogenesis applied to the structure of the adult body.Particular emphasis will be given to the topographical and morpho-functionalof female genital tract and mammary gland and their hormone-dependent changes during pregnancy
The Histology module purpose is to provide students with appropriate skills on the processes of histogenesis and human embryology, with a detailed description of human prenatal development in the various stages of development, from the zygote (fertilization) to the embryo (embryogenesis) up to IV week of development and on the fundamental aspects of the tissues of the human body.
General knowledge on the molecular basis of the life, from the fundamental chemical properties of the substances, the structure and function of macromolecules in life processes, both at cellular and extracellular level, the metabolic transformations of the biomolecules necessary for the human body function. In addition, the student will understand the meaning of the variations of the main metabolic pathways in various physiological and pathological contexts, particularly with regard to the regulation, by peptide and steroid hormones, of metabolic pathways in the state of fasting and in the state of good nutrition.
Lectures and theoretical-practical exercises on anatomical models.
Lectures and exercises.
Traditional lectures
The course includes the fundamentals of the systems that make up the human body and the fundamental principles of organogenesis.
Histogenesis mechanisms - First stages of embryonic development - Formation of 3 sheets
germ cells and their differentiation - Stem cells
- Tissues: definition and classification
- EPITHELIAL TISSUE: a) Coating epithelia, b) Glandular epithelia
- TROFOCONNECTIVAL AND SUPPORT Tissues: a) Connective tissue properly so-called b)
Cartilaginous tissue c) Adipose tissue d) Bone tissue
- MUSCULAR TISSUE: a) Smooth muscle tissue b) Skeletal muscle tissue c) Fabric
cardiac muscle
- NERVOUS Tissue
G. Ambrosi et al. - ANATOMIA DELL' UOMO - Edi-Ermes.
Frederic H. Martini et al. - ANATOMIA UMANA – Edises.
Sobotta – Atlante Anatomia descrittiva
Netter – Atlante di Anatomia Umana
1. Moore, Persaud, Torchia - Lo sviluppo prenatale dell’uomo, 9° ed.- edra
2. V. Monesi - ISTOLOGIA 6° ediz.- Piccin
3. Adamo, Comoglio, Molinaro, Siracusa, Stefanini, Ziparo - ISTOLOGIA per i corsi di laurea in
professioni sanitarie – Piccin