The aim of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of descriptive statistics , to learn and acquire skills in relation to the collection , the description, the interpretation and the use of probability distributions in an appropriate manner of the data collected on a collective of patients or other experimental units.
The student will acquire the basic computer skills necessary for a correct use and aware of modern computer technologies. to the use of operating systems, elements of networking, applications for video spreadsheets
The course develops skills in the area of health promotion and prevention of infectious diseases and chronic-degenerative diseases, health and the environment, with particular reference to the effects of pollutants on air, water and soil and their effects on health; in particular the reflections of environmental determinants and lifestyle on maternal and child health.
Frontal lessons with the active participation of the students in the resolution of problems, tutorials
Interactive didactic with case-study presentation.
The steps of the statistical survey
Data Types
Experimental Drawings
Series and sequences
Frequency Distributions
Frequency Distributions double and multiple
Tables a double entry
Relative Frequencies in tables a double entry
Tables of line profiles, profiles column, total profiles
Statistical Graphs
Statistics for the description, exploration and comparison of the data: Measures of central tendency
Measures of variability
The concentration
The mutability
Measures of asymmetry
Statistical Reports
Correlation and Regression
Contingency tables
Probability: Foundations and rules
Bayes' theorem
Binomial distributions
Central Limit Theorem
Poisson distributions
Gauss distributions
Inferential Statistics
Population and samples
Estimation of the parameters: pointwise and range
Student's t-test
Verification of hypotheses for media and frequency
Basic informatics - Definition of information - Definition of code - Information processing - Analog and digital systems - Numeric system in base 2 and base 16 - Representation of characters and images - ASCII code - Information Technology (IT ) - Types of computer processing capacity, speed, cost, and typical uses - Basic diagram of a personal computer - Central processing unit, input devices, output devices - Mass memory - Memory RAM and ROM - Memory capacity - Performance of computers - The meaning of the terms: system software and application software - The main functions of the Operating System - Graphical User Interface (GUI ) - Phases of software development: analysis, programming, implementation, testing - Local Area Network (LAN ) and Wide Area Network (WAN) - Public data network (switched Public Switched Data Network (PSDN), integrated services digital network (Integrated Service Digital Network , ISDN), satellite communications - Fax, telex, fax, modem, digital, analog; baud (measured in bps, bits per second) - Typical applications in the field of health, the "smart cards", etc… - What is the Information Society and its various implications? - Protocols more used: TCP/IP. Ergonomics: the problems arising from a work environment that isn’t correct - The need to make backup copies of data on removable memory- What is a computer virus? As the viruses come in a processing system- The main measures of defense against viruses - The concept of copyright law in the case of the software and the legal implications to copy - The meaning of the terms: shareware, freeware, and license to use - The privacy issues associated with the use of personal computers and the measures to be taken - The privacy legislation in Italy. The implications in the use of personal data.
Definition of cell , sheet and file; the anchorages; use of special keys; the handle; References absolute and relative; formatting of the spreadsheet (date, currency, number, general, ec. ); Edit a worksheet ( copy only the format of a cell); Area of input and output; the bar of the formulas; Formulas (Sum, Average, Max, Min, Percentage etc. ); the graphs (histograms, pie, etc. ); Change of a graph and use Excel as Data Base; definition of Field and Record; sorting data; Function " =IF"; function " =Conta.Se "; filters; the passage of formulas and data from other spreadsheets; the passage of formulas and data from other File Macro, security statistics Formulas
Definition of Health. Demography. Epidemiology. Prevention. Epidemiology and Prevention of Infectious Diseases. Epidemiology and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases. Epidemiology and general prophylaxis of certain infectious diseases of particular interest in obstetrics. The risk in the hospital environment (physical hazards, chemical, biological). Epidemiology and prevention of physical and chemical. Epidemiology and prevention of nosocomial infections: A general survey with particular regard to infections Opportunists, Legionella, Aspergillus. General information about cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease. Hygiene and care from preconception period the perinatal period. Epidemiology applied to the environment. General information on environmental risk. Risk analysis, interventions on the risk, the risk assessment. Study and improvement of the environment with regard to relations with health. Air pollution. Living and working environments. Drinking water. Wastewater. Waste. Noise. EMF.
Triola M. M. e Triola M. (2009), Statistica per le discipline biosanitarie, Pearson Addison Wesley, Milano.
Notes prepared by the teacher
Notes prepared by the teacher
1) Maria Triassi, Gabriella Aggazzotti, Margherita Ferrante, Igiene Medicina Preventiva e del Territorio, II edizione, Sorbona, Idelson Gnocchi, Napoli 2015.
2) Buffoli M, Capolongo S., Odone A, Signorelli C. Salute e Ambienter, EDISES, Napoli 2016.