SECS-P/07 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to provide students with the basic methods and techniques of financial analysis useful for representing and understanding the processes of business management and financial statements, which represent the values of synthesis. In particular, reclassifications of financial statements, ratio analysis and cash flow, will enable students to learn about the main profitability indicators, capital strength and liquidity indicators, and to understand their relationships, deriving a coordinated system of indicators for appreciation the levels of efficiency and performance, acquiring a specific language.

Applying knowledge and understanding: The aquired knowledge in the financial statement analysis will ensure that students acquire the necessary tools to analyze the economic and financial position of the company. The student will be able to identify the earning managenent adopted by companies and to reprocess and interpret the financial statements as an instrument of economic-financial control. In doing so, they will able to choose and apply different criteria for the restated balance sheet and the restated income statement; and to build a system of economic and financial indicators. Students also acquire the tools necessary for a better understanding of the financial statements and for a more effective analysis of earnings quality.

Making judgements: The course will enable students to develop a range of opinion, and will put him/her in the position to express critical considerations about the results derived from the financial statements, the fiscal policies adopted by companies and the manipulation techniques of certain balance sheet items.

Communication skills: Based on the acquired knowledge, students can develop communication and social skills for business consulting and accounting assessments, working in positions related to the administrative and managerial function.

Learning skills: The study of the discipline will enable the student to understand the logic and assumptions of the financial statement analysis, reclassification procedures and the tipologies of analysis. In particular, the student will be able to build, comment and connect margins and ratios derived from the financial statement in order to know their informational value for the purpose of appreciation.

Course Structure

The course is delivered through lectures, exercices and working groups.

Detailed Course Content

The course program contains 3 parts and deals with the study of the tools and methodologies of financial statement analysis in order to acquire the key elements for the understanding and interpretation of financial statements.

The course’s contents are articulated as follows: The aims of the financial statement analysis, procedures, requirements and constraints. The restated balance sheet and the restated income statement. Analysis of ratios and cash flows. Earnings manangement and the related manipulations. Consolidated financial statement analysis.

Textbook Information

Giunta F., Pisani M., L'analisi del bilancio, Maggioli Editore, 2016

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