The knowledge of masonry construction systems, with particular reference to arches and domes is the training objective of the course. The proposed themes will be investigated through a cognitive survey conducted on exemplary works of architecture in relation to the use of vaulted systems, and through experimental activities conducted in the classroom through the realization of scale models submitted to load tests in order to verify the correspondence between theoretical model and 'real' behavior. Construction technologies, materials and construction techniques will be referred to the different types of vaulted systems that characterize the material culture in the Mediterranean area.
design of the structural components such ad dome, arch. computer modelling
Arches vaults and masonry domes are the focus of the course. Starting from an examination of the most widespread systems in the Mediterranean area, the evolution will be investigated both from a technological-constructive and design point of view, up to the most recent examples of a parametric development surface.
Statics of bidimensional elements.
Masonry structures.
Computer modelling.
Luigi Alini, Cupole per abitare. Un omaggio a Fabrizio Caròla, Libellula, 2012
Luigi Alini. Fabrizio Caròla. Opere e progetti 1954 - 2016, Clean, 2016
Salvatore Di Pasquale, L'arte del costruire: tra conoscenza e scienza, Marsilio, 1996
Salvatore Di Pasquale, Brunelleschi: la costruzione della cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, Marsilio, 2002
Ochsendorf J, 2010, Gustavino Vaulting, New York: Priceton Architectural Press
John A. Loomis, Revolution of Forms - Cuba's Forgotten Art Schools, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 1999
Michele Paradiso, a cura di, Las escuelas nacionales de arte de La Habana. Pasado, presente y futuro, DIDAPress, Firenze 2016
A. Giuffrè. La meccanica nell’architettura- La Statica
J. Heyman. The stone skeleton
M. Salvadori e R. Heller. Le strutture in Architettura