ING-IND/13 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course has the purpose of providing knowledge to the kinematic and dynamic modeling of the main mechanical systems and machines, for the vibrational behavior of systems to one or more degrees of freedom.

Course Structure

Teaching will be done through lectures and classroom exercises.

Detailed Course Content

Basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics of a rigid body. Plans motions. Instantaneous rotation center. Statics and dynamics of rigid body in the plane.
Composition mechanisms. General notions of machine and mechanism. Kinematic pairs elementary and superior. Kinematic chains and mechanisms. Degrees of freedom of a mechanism.
Forces acting in the machines. Work. Efficiency. Energy equation of a machine. Sliding contact between dry surfaces. Application of Coulomb's law. Wear and Reye's hypothesis. Drum brakes and disc brakes. Rolling resistance. Assumption of Hertz. Resistance of vehicles.
Articulated systems. Determination of velocity and acceleration. Static and dynamic balance. Summary of articulated systems
Dynamic equilibrium of motor vehicles. Dynamic balance shaft.
Sprockets. Motion transmission with gears. Planetary gear trains and ordinary. Gears. Formula of Willis.
Flexible members. Stiffness of the flexible members. Hoists. Belts. Belt drives. Brakes tape.
Mechanical vibrations. Vibrating systems to 1 degree of freedom. Damping. Vibrating systems forced by harmonic forces. Insulation of foundations. Moving harmonic constraint. General methods. Dissipative systems with 2 degrees of freedom free and forced. Systems to N degrees of freedom.

Textbook Information

  1. E. Funaioli, A. Maggiore, U. Meneghetti, Meccanica applicata alle macchine, Patron Editore.
  2. G. Jacazio, B. Piombo - Meccanica applicata alle macchine - Levrotto & Bella.
  3. Course notes

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