L-OR/12 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The aim of this course is to enable students to read and understand an Arabic contemporary literary text, with the analysis of the themes and the structure, in regarding to the literary and political context

Course Structure

The course is divided into: lectures, lessons for comparison and reading of texts in Arabic, group analysis and oral reports in the class, individual analysis and written reports.

Detailed Course Content

During the course we will investigate the relationship between the idea of modernity and tradition in Arabic contemporary literature, throughout critic readings on the issue and the analysis of texts in original language.

Textbook Information

  1. - H. Toelle, K. Zacharia, "Alla scoperta della letteratura araba. Dal VI secolo ai nostri giorni", Argo, 2010 (chapters selected by the professor);
  2. - L. Casini, M.E. Paniconi, L. Sorbera, "Modernità arabe", Mesogea, 2013 (for some students);
  3. - M. Ruocco, "Storia del teatro arabo. Dalla nahda a oggi", Carocci, 2010 (for some students)
  4. - A.R. Suriano, "Il teatro indipendente nella società politica egiziana. Nascita, evoluzione e prospettive", CET, 2010 (for some students)
  5. - T. Husein, "Adib. Storia di un letterato", cura e traduzione di M.E. Paniconi, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2017 (chapters selected by the professor), (;
  6. Y.Idris, "al-Farafir. Commedia in due atti", a cura di A.R. Suriano, Edizioni Ca' Foscari 2018 (
  7. - M. Avino, I. Camera D'Afflitto, A. Salem, "Antologia della letteratura araba contemporanea", Carocci, 2015 (chapters selected by the professor);
  8. - More texts, articles and readings will be given during the lectures;
  9. - Students who can't attend the lectures must contact the professor to arrange a particular program.

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