M-GGR/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and Understanding:

Knowledge of the debate on Colonialism and its historical consequences, of postcolonial and decolonial theories.

Knowledge of the debate on patriarchal socio-cultural systems and movements.

Use of the basic tools of geographic analysis for the understanding or study of global cultural processes.

Ability to connect the debate of the discipline to the different problems of the great cultural areas.

Ability to analyze large processes such as migration, ecological and cultural transition by adopting the methods and debate of the discipline.

Apply Knowledge and Understanding:

Identify the main problems and their spatial development.

Knowing how to apply the theoretical debate to current case studies and problems.

Communication skills:

Describe correctly the processes and the phenomena.
Knowing how to provide examples

Connect different problems in an analytical discourse.

Learning skills:

Demonstrate a good knowledge of research methods for geographical information

Use of the main scientific and technical information tools (e.g. databases and online repositories)

Detailed Course Content

During the course will be illustrated an overall picture of three major nodes of transition in the global society: the social responses to the ecological crisis, the request to overcome the patriarchal models in several cultural areas, the tendency towards the construction of a decolonized cultural model.

The social movements that have arisen all over the planet in response to the great socio-ecological crisis will be considered as an expression of a profound change in social systems and will be analyzed to indicate a process of transformation also in the construction of the political space.

The processes of transformation are redefining the cultural areas and the geopolitical relationships that have supported the entire history of modernity, in this context the various movements that in recent decades have proposed in an innovative way the question of overcoming the patriarchal model are become an essential node also for the understanding of global society.

A part of the course will be dedicated to the study of the legacy of the colonial project and the main implications for the structure of the contemporary world. The question of the birth and diffusion of the debate on the decolonization of power and the ways in which it has diffused in different planetary contexts will be dealt with.

Textbook Information

1. Mignolo W. 2007. La idea de América Latina. Bercelona: Gedisa.

2. Federici S., 2018. Reincantare il mondo. Femminismo e politiche dei commons. Verona: Ombre Corte (pp.220).

3. Torre S. 2018. Contro la frammentazione. Movimenti sociali e spazio della politica. Verona: Ombre Corte (pp.96).

4. Bonazzi A. 2017. Manuale di geografia culturale. Roma: Laterza.

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