M-FIL/06 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and Understanding: the course allows students to acquire an articulated knowledge, verified through oral tests, of the main theoretical and historical-cultural features of Catholicism in the United States. The acquisition of these cognitive elements implies the improvement and development of a specific historical-historiographic mode of critical understanding.

Ability to Apply Knowledge and Ability to Understand: the historical-historiographical learning in a context of historical-theoretical analysis related to texts and debates is aimed at the formation of a concrete capacity for historical understanding through the critical control of the contents and the appropriation of a specific methodological habitus.

Autonomy of Judgment: the historical-historiographical learning and the relative methodological habitus form in the student a critical capacity of judgment and historical awareness around their own categories of belonging and the social dimension of identities as historical product.

Communication skills: through lessons, exercises and oral exams, the student learns to apply the critical tools of historical criticism to the field of the history of European culture and to use the disciplinary vocabulary correctly.

Learning skills: the acquisition of a historical-historiographical methodological habitus establishes and consolidates an autonomous learning capacity, realized by the cognitive sequence of textual and linguistic analysis - historical-critical contextualization - historical-theoretical evaluation.

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to educate students about the specific characteristics of Catholicism in the United States of America and proposes a study on US-Holy See diplomatic relations, as well as on the export of the US democratic paradigm.

Textbook Information

1) C. Rossi, SANTA SEDE E STATI UNITI (1932–1939), Aracne, 2017;

2) M. Graziano, In Rome we trust, il Mulino, 2016;

3)P. Annicchino, Esportare la libertà religiosa, il Mulino, 2015;

4) E. Fattorini (a cura di), Diplomazia senza eserciti. Le relazioni internazionali della Chiesa di Pio XI, Carocci, 2013;

5) E. Gentile, La democrazia di Dio. La religione americana nell'era dell'impero e del terrore, Laterza, 2006.

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