L-OR/10 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understandig: Provide interpretations of cultural and religious history and the evolution of political institutions in Islamic and Arab countries in particular.

applying knowledge and understanding: Studying and analyzing the history of Islam and the cultural aspects that characterize the Arab peoples, the student acquires knowledge of this civilization which facilitates his relationship with others and facilitates the work of those who undertake the activity of cultural mediation.

making judgement: When enrolling for the master's degree the student will already have acquired a capacity to combine knowledge and judgment skills which is consolidated through the new topics covered in this course.

communication skills: The course includes external seminars and internal presentations by students enhanced by the discussion of issues concerning the topics covered in the classroom, thereby enhancing the communication skills of the student.

learning skills: The experience gained during the undergraduate studies are enriched by stimulating the student's curiosity through cultural subjects, gives graduates the ability to interact with consideration, in cultural issues.

Course Structure

- Frontal lessons
- Seminars
- presentations

Detailed Course Content

Given the knowledge acquired during the first Undergraduate degree course, the first part of the course focuses on the cultural and religious history of the colonial and post-colonial period and on the evolution of Arab countries in the twentieth century. This part also covers the current situation of these countries under the impetus for change which has originated from the revolutions of the Arab Spring.

Textbook Information



Willis, J.Michael, Politics and Power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Marocco from Independence to the Arab Spring, C. Hurst& Company, London, 2012.

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