L-FIL-LET/15 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to recognise the specific features of Germanic linguistics and culture, with particular reference to the influence of Germanic languages and cultures in Late Antique and Early Medieval Europe and its consequences and the genesis and early attestations of the Scots language

Course Structure

Frontal teaching, practice activities, seminars, laboratorial activities

Detailed Course Content

Germanic peoples: their origins and history in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Germanic languages: taxonomy and historical developments. Germanic linguistics. Aspects of Germanic culture: Germanic anthroponymy. Genesis and early attestations of a Germanic language: the case of Scots

Textbook Information

1) Nicoletta Francovich Onesti, Filologia germanica. Lingue e culture dei Germani antichi, Roma 2002 (e successive ristampe)

2) Maria Giovanna Arcamone, Antroponimia e toponomastica nelle lingue e nelle letterature germaniche antiche, in: Antichità germaniche II parte – II seminario avanzato in Filologia germanica, Università di Torino, 10-14 settembre 2001, a cura di V. Dolcetti Corazza e R. Gendre, Alessandria, 2002, pp. 67-86

3) Only for students regularly attending classes: runic inscription of the Gallehus horn; Iordanes, Getica, chap. XIV; Einhard, Vita Karoli Magni, chapters 18 and 19

4) Passages from various documents and Barbour's Bruce with glossary, linguistic notes and translation

5) Reference grammar: Caroline Macafee and Adam J. Aitken, History of Scots to 1700, electronic version

6) Reference dictionary: William A. Craigie et. al., A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, electronic version

7) Steve Boardman and Susan Foran, Introduction: King Robert the Bruce’s Book. In Steve Boardman / Susan Foran (eds), Barbour’s Bruce and Its Cultural Contexts. Politics, Chivalry and Literature in Late Medieval Scotland, Cambridge 2015, pp. 1-31

8) Lois Ebin, John Barbour’s Bruce: Poetry, History, and Propaganda. Studies in Scottish Literature 9, 4 (1972), pp. 218-242 (available online at

9) Valeria Di Clemente, The kingis hart. La figura di James Douglas nel Bruce di John Barbour. In Eleonora Cianci (a cura di), L'amicizia nel Medioevo germanico. Studi in onore di Elisabetta Fazzini, Milano, LED, 2018, pp. 161-195 (available online at

10) Supplementary materials

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