L-OR/22 - 6 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: students will be able to listen and comprehend basic conversations patterns encountered in daily life and generally follow their contents. Logical comprehension of basic syntactic patterns. Knowledge of 500 kanji and 2000 words of general use. Dialogic skiills connected to everyday topics, cultural topics, specific topics. Writing and reading skills connected to everyday topics, cultural topics, spcific topics.Knowledge of main linguistic patterns (i.e. honorific, humble, gender, age, formal, informal).

Applying knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to apply autonomously and originally the achieved skills and to connect with daily life context (asking or giving informations, environment descriptions, basic dialogue, reading and writing skills).

Making judgments: comprehension and production of data and informations.The students will approach to the study of Japanese language and culture free form any ethnocentric perspective.

Communication skills: the achievement of communication skills will be reinforced by class and laboratory activities such as simulations of ordinary contexts (giving or transferring informations, daily topics, topics linked to Japanese culture) aimed at providing proper communication skills connected to a wide range of topics.

learning skills: alongside the class and laboratory activities, the students will also carry out individual activities aimed at improving analysis skills and reinforcing reading, writing, listening, speaking and translation skills.

Course Structure

Frontal classes, laboratory and individual activities.

Detailed Course Content

Approfondimento delle competenze in morfologia, sintassi e fonologia di base della lingua giapponese. Lettura, ascolto, produzione scritta e orale sono le attività principali basate sui testi di riferimento adottati. I libri di testo sono integrati con materiale audio-video e altri testi mirati per le attività di traduzione e introduzione a tematiche specifiche e di interesse culturale.

Approfondimento dei registri linguistici onorifico, formale, informale, umile, di genere e generazionale.

Increasing the knowledge of the morphology, syntax, phonology of Japanese language. Writing, reading, listening and speaking skills connected to general and specific topics. Knowledge of several language patterns (honorific, humble, gender, age, formal, informal).

Textbook Information

Testi adottati nel corso:

Silvana De Maio, Carolina Negri, Junichi Oue (curr.), Corso di lingua giapponese, Vol. III, Hoepli, Milano

Altro materiale di riferimento : Minna no nihongo chukyu I. Honsatsu, 3A Corporation, Tokyo,

Ulteriori riferimenti bibliografici e materiali didattici saranno comunicati dal docente nel corso delle lezioni.

testi consigliati per lo studio individuale

Makino Seiichi, Tsutsui Michio, A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar, The Japan Times, Tokyo, 1989.

Makino Seiichi, Tsutsui Michio, A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar, The Japan Times, Tokyo, 1995.

M. Mastrangelo, Naoko Ozawa, Mariko Saitō, Grammatica giapponese, Hoepli, Milano, 2016.
Y. Kubota, Grammatica di Giapponese Moderno, Cafoscarina, Venezia, 1989.

Ulteriori riferimenti bibliografici e materiali didattici saranno comunicati dal docente nel corso delle lezioni.

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