L-OR/23 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understandig: general overview of the historical basic themes and issues of Chinese and japanese civilization for understanding the events and critical debate from the origins to modernity.



applying knowledge and understanding: Students will be able to understand and relate main historical events in the cultural and social fields.



making judgement: students will be able to obtain critical skills with the chinese and japanese realities, in different context of everyday life and professional life.


communication skills: students will be able to express their ideas, projects and results obtained in a complex and articulated way.



learning skills: students will be able to interact with different professional and cultural contexts. They know how to interpret, understand and use independently their expressive capabilities.

Course Structure

frontal lessons

Detailed Course Content

The course will focus on the general history of the Far East (Japan and China) from the origins to the 20th century. The students are required to study the philosophical and cultural contexts. The active participation in class will be strongly encouraged.

Textbook Information

Per gli studenti di cinese:

  1. Sabattini M., Santangelo P., Storia della Cina, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2015, until chapter 8°;
  2. Collotti Pischel E., Storia dell’Asia orientale, 1850-1949, Carocci, Roma, 2015;
  3. Samarani G., La Cina contemporanea. Dalla fine dell'impero a oggi, Nuova edizione aggiornata e ampliata, Einaudi, Torino, 2017, parts 2 and 3;

Per gli studenti di giapponese:

  1. Gatti F., Caroli R., Storia del Giappone, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2016;
  2. Tollini A., L’ideale della Via. Samurai, poeti e monaci nel Giappone medievale, Einaudi, Torino, 2017;
  3. Collotti Pischel E., Storia dell’Asia orientale, 1850-1949, Carocci, Roma, 2015;

​Per gli studenti di cinese e giapponese

  1. Sabattini M., Santangelo P., Storia della Cina, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2015;
  2. Gatti F., Caroli R., Storia del Giappone, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2016;
  3. Collotti Pischel E., Storia dell’Asia orientale, 1850-1949, Carocci, Roma, 2015;

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