L-LIN/05 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understandig:

Identify and describe the formal characteristics of literary genres and their evolution;

Identify and describe the trends, movements, authors and literary works of Spanish literature from the Middle Age to the Golden Age.

making judgement:

The student will be able to make a critical reading of academic texts and to express a critical judgement.

Comunication skills:

The student will be able to articulate central course concepts and express them, orally, in formal presentations or in clearly written and well-argued papers.

Based on reading and analysis of selected texts, this course aims to develop the student’s critical understanding of Spanish literature, from the Middle Age to the Golden Age (Siglos de Oro).

The course focuses upon the different literary trends, the aesthetic conceptions and the expressive techniques that conform this literary panorama.

learning skills:

The student will be able to further extend his/her knowledge, skills an undestanding through continued studies.

Course Structure

Based on reading and analysis of selected texts, this course aims to develop the student’s critical understanding of Spanish literature, from the Middle Age to the Golden Age (Siglos de Oro).

The course focuses upon the different literary trends, the aesthetic conceptions and the expressive techniques that conform this literary panorama.

Detailed Course Content


Knowledge of the civilization, literature and culture, from the Middle Age to the Golden Age


The descriptio puellae in the canon and anti-canon debate.

Textbook Information

  1. Methodological books

Marchese, A., Forradellas, J. Diccionario de retórica, crítica y terminología literaria, Barcelona. Ariel, 1986.

Navarro Durán. R., La mirada al texto. Comentario de textos literarios, Barcelona, Ariel, 1995.


  1. Textbook:

Alvar C., Mainer J. C., Navarro R., Breve historia de la literatura española, Madrid, Alianza, (ultima edizione).


  1. Seminar bibliography:

Bognolo, A., La rosa elusa: Il topos della descrizione femminile nelle «Novelas Ejemplares», «Annali di Ca ‘Foscari», XXXI, 1992, pp. 391-399.

Cacho Casal, R., Entre bizcas, tuertas y ciegas en la poesía amorosa de Quevedo, «Perinola», 8, 2005, pp. 19-31.

Colombí-Monguió de, A., Los "ojos de perlas" de Dulcinea: (Quijote, II, 10 y 11) : el antipetrarquismo de Sancho (y de otros), «Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica», 32, 2, 1983, pp. 389-402.

Cuesta Torre, L., El tema de la autoalabanza femenina, «Estudios Humanísticos: Filología», 21, 1999, pp.11-31.

Fabiani, A., Dulcinea, chimera androgina, « AISPI. Actas XXIII», 2005, pp. 61-71.

Manero Sorolla, P., El retrato femenino en la poesía medieval castellana. Cánones retóricos y rasgos estilísticos, «Anuario de estudios medievales», CSIC, 29, 1999, pp. 547-559.

--- Los cánones del retrato femenino en el Canzoniere. Difusión y recreación en la lírica española del Renacimiento, «Cuadernos de filología italiana», 12, 2005, pp. 247-260.

Pozzi, G., Il ritratto della donna nella poesia d’inizio Cinquecento e la pittura di Giorgione, «Lettere Italiane», XXXI, 1, 1979, pp. 3-30.

Quondam, A., Il naso di Laura. Considerazioni sul ritratto poetico e la comunicazione lirica, Il naso di Laura. Lingua e poesia lirica nella tradizione del classicismo, Modena, Panini, 1991, pp. 291-324.


Books and Anthology of literary texts:

Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quijote de la Mancha, edición del Instituto Cervantes, dirigida por F. Rico, estudio preliminar de F. Lázaro Carreter, 3. ed. revisada, Madrid, Instituto Cervantes (Barcelona, Crítica), 2000. Avalaible on:

Anthology of 25 literary texts.

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