L-LIN/09 - 6 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understanding:

The course aims at developing a B2 level as described in the Common

European Framework of Reference for Languages and a critical consciousness about the complex universe of lusophony.

applying knowledge and understanding:

Thanks to the acquisition of linguistic knowledge, students will be able to understand the main focuses of different kinds of text and properly participate in discussions.

making judgment:

Students will be able to face problematic situations and critically make judgements interpreting different languages and cultures among the Lusophone world.

communication skills:

Students will acquire the ability to express in an articulated way their own studies and thoughts.

learning skills:

Students will be able to create relationships between different cultural contexts and to interact with heterogeneous interlocutory.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, Laboratory exercises

Detailed Course Content

Portuguese linguistics: phonology, morphology and syntax; contrastive study of European and Brazilian Portuguese

- Theory and practice of translation:

- History and formation of Portuguese language

Textbook Information

COIMBRA, Olga, COIMBRA, Isabel. Gramática Ativa 1. Lisboa, Lidel, 2011

COIMBRA, Olga, COIMBRA, Isabel. Gramática Ativa 2. Lisboa, Lidel, 2012

OLIVEIRA, Carla, Aprender português 2, Lisboa, Texto Editores, 2016.

OLIVEIRA, Carla, Aprender português 2, Lisboa, Texto Editores, 2011.

CARDEIRA, Esperança O Essencial sobre a História do Português, Lisboa, Caminho, 2006

APA, Livia, Abitare la lingua. Riflessioni sul portoghese in Angola, Think Thanks, 2010.

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