L-LIN/04 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understanding:

The course aims to acquire knowledge and skills about written and oral reception according to the B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and also includes a competence related to the analysis of linguistic problems, especially in the field of interlinguistic contact.

applying knowledge and understanding:

Thanks to the acquisition of linguistic and cultural skills in French and Francophony, students will be able to use and combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, for a professional application in contexts of translation and intercultural mediation. They will be able to identify and solve problems related to linguistic exchange.

making judgment:

By collecting and interpreting useful data for formulating independent judgments, students can face problematic situations arising from the comparison between different languages-cultures and combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, orienting themselves in the context of intercultural mediation.

communication skills:

Students will acquire the ability to express in a complex and articulated way information, thoughts, projects and solutions and to effectively communicate in an autonomous way, what they learned during the course of studies in mediation working contexts.

learning skills:

From data to set-up, students will be able to implement cognitive strategies and goals suitable for continuing language study or use it in professional activities.

Course Structure

The course is divided into three modules:

1. General course: Morphology and syntax of French Language (24 hours).

2. Methodology (6 hours)

Monographic course (6 hours)

3. In-depht studies: traductology and translating practice (fr>it; it>fr) (18 hours)

The modules will be carried out though:

frontal lessons




Detailed Course Content

The course includes the acquisition of linguistic and metalinguistic skills corresponding to the B1-B2 level of the Common European Framework. It also includes a development of skills related to specific areas of Francophony and in-depth study of translation theory and practice.

1. General course: Morphology and syntax of French Language:

Les déterminants: les indéfinis. Le syntagme verbal: l’indicatif (passé simple), le subjonctif, le conditionnel, l’infinitif, le participe, participe présent et adjectif verbal, le gérondif, le passif. Prépositions, adverbes, discours indirect et concordance des temps, exclamation. Le discours: expression du lieu ou localisation, expression du degré (la comparaison).La narration: expression du temps; système hypothétique et condition.

2. Methodology:

- theoretical atelier for the written test (compréhension des écrits et compte-rendu);

Monographic course:

- Francophonie géopolitique de l’Afrique

3. Traductology and translating practice:

translation theory and techniques (modulation, adaptation, transcription).

Textbook Information


- F. Bidaud, Grammaire du français pour italophones, Torino, UTET, 2015 (Les déterminants: les indéfinis. Le syntagme verbal: l’indicatif (passé simple), le subjonctif, le conditionnel, l’infinitif, le participe, participe présent et adjectif verbal, le gérondif, le passif. Prépositions, adverbes, discours indirect et concordance des temps, exclamation. Le discours: expression du lieu ou localisation, expression du degré (la comparaison).La narration: expression du temps; système hypothétique et condition).

- F.Bidaud, Exercices de grammaire pour italophones, Torino, UTET, 2016 (3e éd.)


Recommended texts (supporting the general course):

- Bescherelle, La Conjugaison, Hatier, Paris.

- Vocabulaire progressif du français. Niveau intermédiaire, CLE.


Text for laboratories and exercice with foreign language assistants

A. Berthet et al., Alter ego B1 +, Livre de l’élève, Livre + CD audio, Paris, Hachette, 2015.



Dossier fornito dal docente


Corso monografico

Dossier provided by the teacher


Traductology and translation practice

- Dossier provided by the teacher

- J. Podeur, La pratica della traduzione. Dal francese in italiano e dall’italiano al francese, Napoli, Liguori, 1993 (Capp. II, III, IV)

- F. Bidaud, Traduire le français d’aujourd’hui, Torino, UTET, 2014


Recommended bilingual dictionaries

Garzanti, Dizionario fr-it.; it.-fr., Garzanti, last ed.

Il Larousse francese. fr.-it. ,it.-fr., Rizzoli/Larousse, last ed.


Recommended monolingual dictionaries

Le Petit Robert, Le Robert, last ed.

Le Petit Larousse illustré, Larousse, last ed.

Trésor de la langue française informatisé (

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