L-LIN/12 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understanding:

To achieve competence in French at A2-B1 level (Common European

Framework of Reference for Languages), focusing in particular on grammar and phonology.


applying knowledge and understanding:

To provide students with basic translation tools, mainly focusing on simple newspaper articles and literary texts.


making judgement:

To acquire basic knowledge in French at A2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)


communication skills:

To master the 4 communication skills in French at A2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)


learning skills:

To develop a personal study method

Course Structure

Lectures will be held in the classroom and materials will be made available on the University platform STUDIUM. In addition, more practical work is also integrated into the course with the language courses held by the language tutors throughout the academic year. During these courses students will carry out exercises on listening and reading comprehension, written and spoken production as well as grammar and phonetics.

Detailed Course Content

To develop communication skills using integrated methods corresponding to the levels A2-B1 of the Common European Framework.

Knowledge of the basic translation skills to develop an awareness in the meta-linguistic reflection.

Textbook Information




F. Bidaud, Nouvelle grammaire du français pour italophones, Torino,

UTET, 2012 ;

Les éléments de la phrase (le nom, l’adjectif qualificatif, les déterminants : les articles, les démonstratifs, les possessifs) ; les pronoms ; le syntagme verbal (la conjugaison ; l’indicatif : le présent, l’imparfait, le passé composé, le futur ; l’impératif ; le participe passé) ; les auxiliaires ; les verbes pronominaux ; les structures impersonnelles. La phrase : l’ordre des mots, la négation, l’interrogation ;

F. Bidaud, Exercices de grammaire française pour italophones, Torino, UTET, 2016 (Troisième édition).


Testi consigliati:

AA.VV., Les 500 exercices de grammaire, Niveau A1, Paris, Hachette, 2005.

AA.VV., Les exercices de grammaire, Niveau A2, Paris, Hachette, 2006.



AA. VV., Alter ego 2 plus (Niveau A2) avec cahier des exercices, Paris, Hachette, 2015.


Testi consigliati:

AA. VV., Les 500 exercices de phonétique A1/A2, Paris, Hachette, 2009.

AA. VV., Alter ego 1 plus (Niveau A1) avec cahier des exercices, Paris, Hachette, 2012.






  1. METODOLOGIA: atelier teorico per la prova scritta (compréhension des écrits et résumé)


Testi consigliati:

L-M. Morfaux, R. Prévost, Résumé & Synthèse de textes, Paris, Armand Colin, 2014. (Capitoli scelti)



  1. FRANCOPHONIE: “La langue française au Maghreb”


Dossier fornito dal docente.



DOSSIER: Qu’est-ce que traduire ? (M. Oustinoff, J-R. Ladmiral).


Testi consigliati a supporto della pratica traduttiva:


J. PODEUR, La pratica della traduzione. Dal francese in italiano e dall’italiano in francese, Napoli, Liguori, 1993. (Introduzione e I Capitolo)


F. Bidaud, Traduire le français d’aujourd’hui, Torino, UTET, 2014 (Capitoli scelti)



Dizionari bilingue consigliati

Garzanti, Dizionario fr-it.; it.-fr., Garzanti, ultima ed..

Il Larousse francese. fr-it; it-fr; Rizzoli/Larousse, ultima ed.


Dizionari monolingue consigliati

Le Petit Robert, Le Robert, ultima ed.

Trésor de la langue française informatisé


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