ICAR/11 - 12 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is about the security design and management in temporary and mobile construction sites with particular attention on the contents of Legislative Decree 81/08. It will be provided a front formation which, starting from the information provided by the Community directives, allows to develop skills in coordinating activities for worksite safety. It will develop a training exercise with the detailed elaboration of all the documents of the coordinator for security at design and execution.

Detailed Course Content

- The basic legislation on safety at construction sites.

- The legislation concerning the safety aspects and health at work.

- The law about health and safety in the workplace.

- The subjects of the company prevention system: the duties, the obligations, the civil and penal responsibility.

- Methodologies for the identification, analysis and assessment of risks.

- The laws about public works.

- The penalties and inspection procedures.

- The personal protective equipment and safety signs.

- The safety organization of the site, the management at construction sites, the building site layout.

- The schedule of works.

- The minimum contents of the PSC and the POS. Drafting and examples.

- The methodological criteria for:

a) the development of the PSC;

b) the development of the POS;

c) the preparation of the dossier;

d) the analysis of the security costs.

- The documents wrote by outsourcers, enterprises, security coordinators.

Textbook Information

- Giuseppe Semeraro, “Il cantiere sicuro. Tecnica della prevenzione infortuni nei cantieri edili e di ingegneria civile. Aggiornato al Decreto del “Fare” D.L. n.69/2013 convertito con L.98/2013”. EPC EDITORE, Roma 2013

- Danilo G.M. De Filippo, “Il coordinatore per la sicurezza nel cantiere”. MAGGIOLI EDITORE, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) 2015

- Andrea Bassi, “I costi della sicurezza in edilizia”. MAGGIOLI EDITORE, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) 2015

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