To show basic mathematical concepts and how they can be used in the elaboration of simple models useful for the understanding of the biological phenomena; develop the ability to calculate and manipulate the most common mathematical objects; present with sufficient accuracy some simple but significant methods of proof of mathematics to refine the logical abilities; teach to communicate clearly the rigorous concepts. Knowing the fundamentals of computer science and possible applications in biology.
The aim of the course is to provide the basic knowledge needed to understand the concepts and their physical methods that are applied to medicine. In particular the student will gain knowledge of some basic physical laws and techniques for the understanding of the physiological processes and will learn the basic concepts useful to the correct use of the equipment used at work. What prerequisites are required basic knowledge of algebra, Euclidean geometry and trigonometry.
Through lessons and practical sessions at the end of each learning unit (when planned).
Lectures with the use of slide.
Mathematics Section
Recalls on numerical sets and on arithmetic calculation, properties of real numbers and their consequences.
Elementary theory of sets
Elementary functions: n-th power and roots functions, exponential functions and logarithm functions: definitions, properties, graphs, applications.
Use of exponentials and logarithms in the life sciences: models for the evolution of a population.
Functions of a real variable: overview of definition domain, growth, decrescence, maximum and minimum (absolute), composition of elementary functions and their graph.
Limits: definitions, properties, rules of calculation, order of infinity and infinitesimal, graphic aspects, oblique asymptotes.
Continuous functions: definition, properties, zero theorem, approximation of the zeroes of a function (for example of the roots of a polynomial) with the bisection method.
Continuous functions: existence of maximum and minimum over a closed and limited interval. Composition of elementary functions and their graph, considering definition domain, limits at the ends of the definition domain, crescenza and decrescence, maximums and minima.
Integrals: definition, properties, area calculation, approximation with the trapezoidal method.
Differential equations, notes on numerical methods of resolution. Enzymatic and molecular kinetics.
Computer Section
Topic 1.
Fundamental concepts of information theory; General concepts: Hardware, Software; Information technology; Types of computers; Main components of a PC; Performance of a computer. Hardware: Central processing unit; Memory; Input Devices; Output peripherals; Input / output devices; Memory devices. Software: Types of software; System software; Application software; Graphical User Interface; System development.
Topic 2.
Algorithms; Properties of the Algorithms; Description; Constants and Variables; Propositions and Predicates; Block diagrams
Topic 3.
Bioinformatics and computational modeling in biomedicine.
Applications Section
Usage and access of the most important genomic, proteinomic and bibliographic databases
Practical examples of classical bioinformatics: assembly of genomic fragments, analysis and alignment of biosequences
Protege and ontologies: outline
COPASI: molecular modeling
Agent models: netlogo and customs systems
BASES: Operative definition. I.S.U. Dimension, radiant. Characteristics of instruments: Errors. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation. Scalars, vectors.
MOVEMENT: Position, speed and acceleration.
MECHANICS: The three laws. Weight force. Rigid bodies. Center of gravity, moment of a force. Static equilibrium. Levers in the human body. Work and kinetic energy. Potential energy. Power.
FLUIDS: Static and dynamics of fluids. Bernoulli's theorem. Influence of viscosity. Blood pressure.
Thermodynamics: Zeroth law, temperature, thermometers, I law, the internal energy. Heat and work, specific heats, phase transition, metabolic power, energetic value of food, thermoregulation.
ELECTRICITY The electric charge, electric field, Coulomb's law, conductors and insulators. The Coulomb. Electric potential. The electric current. Electrical circuits. Resistance, Ohm's law. Joule effect. dielectric constant. Electrical risk.
WAVES: Elastic and electromagnetic waves. Longitudinal, transverse and surface waves. Sound. the decibel. Technical applications and biological effects of ultrasound. The electromagnetic spectrum, action of ionizing radiation in biological tissues. The X-ray dosimetric quantities and units of measurements.
Teacher's slides
D. Scannicchio - Fisica Biomedica - EdiSES, Napoli 2013