The educational aim of the course is the presentation of the diseases that can affect the oral cavity. Of each will be clarified the etiopathogenesis, symptoms, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principles.
Internship in the dental chair, under guidance of the tutor, to run ,as first operator , diagnoses of dysfunctional deseases in tempero-mandibular joint.
This sector deals with the scientific and didactic training as well as the activity of care in the field of oral surgery in pediatric and adult patients, with specific expertise in clinical and surgical methodology pertaining to the diseases of hard and soft tissues of the jaw.
Making a correct visit and drafting Pedodontic folder . Knowledge and differential diagnosis of stomatognathic's diseases in children. Choice and interpretation of instrumental tests specific for different oral diseases. Making conservative dental therapies , interceptive orthodontic treatment and minor oral surgery.
The course aims at teaching the principles of orthodontic practice, with particular emphasis on semiotics orthodontic, clinical examination, diagnosis and notes on the general principles of orthodontic treatment.
1. Pathology of teething syndrome neodental and dysodontiasis third molar
2. Abnormal teeth shape, volume, number, structure, and location
3. Osteitis and osteomyelitis of the jaw bones
4. Osteonecrosis of the jaw by bisphosphonates
5. Abscesses and phlegmon perioral
6. Disorders odontogenic maxillary sinuses
7. Odontogenic and non odontogenic cysts of the jaws
8. Infections focal odontogenous
9. Odontogenous tumors
10. Traumatic injuries of the jaw ones
11. Neuralgic syndromes maxillo – facial
12. Alterations mucous paraphysiological
13. Halitosis
14. Burning Mouth Syndrome
15. Elementary lesions of the primary and secondary oral mucosa
16. Infectious diseases, allergic, autoimmune, reactive oral mucosa
17. Oral disorders and dermatological manifestations
18. Epithelial dysplasias
19. Conditions and potentially malignant lesions (etiology and diagnostic procedures)
20. Neoplastic diseases (etiology and diagnostic procedures)
21. Lymphadenopathy
22. Disorders of the salivary glands
23. Oral disorders in HIV infection
24. Disorders and oral drug in transplant patients
25. Perimplant Mucositis and perimplalntitis
26. Periodontal disease
Examination of the mouth and related structures: History and physical examination
Imaging techniques - x-ray examinations
Compilation of pedodontic medical records.
Interpretation of radiographic examinations in pediatric dentistry .
Dental caries prevention and conservative treatment of primary and permanent teeth.
Traumas and fractures and dental tissue support. Pediatric oral surgery.
Temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents
• Ficarra G: Manual of pathology and oral medicine 3 / –MC GRAW-HILL Publisher
• Montebugnoli L: Pathology and Oral Medicine. Martina Editions
• Vozza I: Principles of Pathology Odontostomatology. CIC International Editions
• Lauritano D., Baldoni M: TOPICS OF ORAL MEDICINE -‐ Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Carcinoma. Martina Editions
Course material online in the website of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Catania.
Chiapasco Matteo “Manuale illustrato di Chirurgia Orale”. Ed. Masson
Angus C. Cameron, Richard P. Widmer: Manuale di Pedodonzia / Masson Editore. Milano
Goran Koch, Sven Poulsen: Odontoiatria infantile - Un approccio clinico / Edi-Ermes Editore. Milano