MED/18 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge of the etiopathogenesis, of the pathophysiology, of the symptomatology, of the diagnosis also differential, and of principles of surgical therapy of the diseases of surgical relevance, with particular regard to those of oncological nature and of the digestive apparatus, with attention to the aspects of surgery anatomy, of physical and instrumental semeiotics and general elements of surgical therapy.

To provide the future doctor with an overview of the problems related to the most common diseases of surgical treatment, reconstructing, also based on the presentation of clinical cases, the logical path of the various morbid conditions: from the analysis of symptoms to the choice of laboratory and diagnostic diagnostic procedures, to the surgical indication, to finish with hints of operative technique. The aim of this training path is to transmit to the future doctor the rudiments of the "surgical mentality" approach to the patient and provide him with a series of information as up-to-date and objective as possible on current and avant-garde surgical methods, so that he is able to transmit correct information to their patients, to communicate profitably with the surgeon to whom he has entrusted them and to perform with competence the fundamental role of connecting element between patient and surgeon.

Detailed Course Content

Dyskinesia of the esophagus
Diverticula of the esophagus
Benign and neoplastic stenosis of the esophagus
Diaphragmatic hernias and MRGE
Tumors of the stomach
Neuroendocrine tumors
Gastroduodenal peptic ulcer
Duodenal divisions
Tumors of the Papilla and of the VBP
Tumors of the gallbladder
Choliasis-choledochal lithiasis
Primitive and secondary tumors of the liver
Hepatic hydatidosis and non-parasitic cysts
Acute pancreatitis
Exocrine and endocrine tumors of the pancreas
Tumors of the mesentery tenue
Retro peritoneal tumors
Intestinal infarction
Diverticular disease of the colon
Inflammatory bowel disease
Tumors of the large intestine and rectum
Anorectal pathology and pelvic floor dysfunction
Splenopathies of surgical interest
Ernie and laparocele
Benign and malignant tumors of the breast
Thyroid tumors, goiter and indications for surgery

Textbook Information

1- R.DIONIGI – CHIRURGIA- Masson, Milano 1992

2- C.COLOMBO – A.E.PALETTO et al. - TRATTATO DI CHIRURGIA- Ed.Minerva Medica, Torino 2001

3- S.STIPA- MANUALE DI CHIRURGIA- Monduzzi Ed., Bologna 2007

4- R.BELLANTONE – G.DE TOMA – M.MONTORSI et al.- CHIRURGIA GENERALE- Ed.Minerva Medica, Torino 2009

5- Sabiston- Texbook of Surgery, Saunders . PhladelPhia New York 2010

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