The teaching aims at the knowledge of:
Disorders of swallowing and Oro-Facial muscle imbalances
To formulate therapeutic objectives with a specific evaluation protocol and targeted rehabilitative procedure with myofunctional therapy;
the teaching continues with the evolution of the disorders of the phonotactic structure of language in developmental age.
leads the student to acquire knowledge, skills, aimed at identifying the rehabilitation needs of the person in the developmental age with phonological phonetic disorder
Perform a budget and Evaluation of the language through the collection of information and trace the phonetic and consonant inventory using standardized testuological tests.
Normal swallowing childish and atypical
the oro-facial neuromuscular imbalance associated with musculoskeletal and postural disorders
logopedic protocol in Atypical swallowing
Phonetic - Phonological disorder
assessment and assessment of the functional and pragmatic language of the child in developmental age.
evaluation with PFLI test and logopedic rehabilitative project
Il Manuale di Logopedia De Filippis –Cippone ; .Ed. Erickon
Manuale di terapia Miofunzionale ;autore Paola Cozza ;ed. Masson
Terapia Miofunzionale Autore Antonio Ferrante ;ed.Futura
Manuale di Neuropsicologia dell’età evolutiva G.Sabbadini Ed.Zanichelli
La Riabilitazione Neuropsicologica in età evolutiva M.R. Pizzamiglio Ed.Franco Angeli
Il Disordine Fonologico nel Bambino con disturbi del linguaggio; Autori L.Sabbadini,A.G.De Cagno,M.Vaquer Ed Springer
Parla parla parla ; autore A.Manassero ,M. Chiaramello Ed.Omega edizioni;