The training and educational objective ' to give notions of activity in the field of nursing midwifery and gynecology . At the end of the course, students must demonstrate that they have developed in a sequence of elements (knowledge skills and attitudes ) peculiar to specialist obstetric and gynecological
The course is designed as a time of deepening of welfare issues in neonatology and pediatric.
Starting with a review of the major diseases of 'developmental age we tend to be developing in students the analytical skills of care needs and the development of its
service plans.
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Recognizing the care needs in the pediatric and neonatal age.
- Recognize and use the health technology reference.
- Apply the basic care procedures and advanced on infant and child.
- Identify and develop the main nursing diagnoses.
- Develop individual care plans.
Preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic clinical issues, particularly in the management of pregnancy, delivery, early diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant pathologies of the female apparatus.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
President Prof. A. Mistretta
2017/2018 Academic Year
nursing program obstetrics and gynecology
Teacher: Maria Prof.Lina Gueli
Apparatus anatomy Female Genital Inside and Outside
Preparation and nursing care in ambulatory gynecology
History Obstetric and Gynecologic Gynecologic Visit
Diagnostic tests Instrumental of Gynecologic relevance:
Ultrasound, Pap test and colposcopy, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy,
Fisiologiapatologia Apparatus Female Reproductive
hypothalamic-pituitary-axis Ovary
Infertility and Female Infertility
definition, pathogenesis
diagnostic procedures
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Contraception, abortion (Law 194), miscarriage nursing
The menopause and Menopause
Definition, symptoms assistance
Pregnancy: hygiene, changing, pregnant controls
Tests for assessment of fetal wellbeing: Nursing (ultrasound, cardiotocography and color Doppler).
duration of pregnancy: the forward delivery, pre-term and over the term
Childbirth: timing, mechanisms and evolutionary phenomena pathophysiological
The presentation, the position and attitude of the fetal
Nursing: afterbirth, the postpartum and postnatal
The spontaneous delivery, instrumental delivery, cesarean section, the manual afterbirth
breastfeeding and pathologies of the puerperium
The Rh negative mother, clinical, and behavioral framework
Emergencies in obstetrics: ectopic pregnancy, preeclampsia, placenta previa, placental abruption in normal INSERTA, the atonies postpartum, diabetes, eclamptic syndrome; diagnosis and nursing care
The nurse in Pediatrics and regulatory aspects
• Physiology of life before birth
ï, • .1. The newborn care at birth
ï, • .2. the first needs assessment of the newborn
ï, • .3. The healthy newborn
ï, • .4. Classification of the newborn in relation to the weight and age.
ï, • .5. The nursing diagnosis at birth
ï, • .6. The indices for the evaluation of the viability and efficiency of the primary
vital functions
ï, • .7. Evaluation of patency of the sphincters
ï, • .8. Evaluation of the patency of the upper airways
ï, • .9. The Breast Crawl and attachment mother's son
ï, • .10. The infant feeding
ï, • .11. The first bath
ï, • .12. The ipogligemia and hypocalcemia in the newborn
ï, • .13. Maintaining the body temperature of the newborn at birth, thermogenesis.
ï, • .14. nursing interventions to maintain t ° body in the newborn
ï, • .15. The Rooming in
ï, • .16. The detection of vital signs
ï, • .17. Prophylaxis conjunctival
ï, • .18. Umbilical cord care
ï, • .19. Haemorrhagic prophylaxis
The respiratory distress in preterm and post-term
ï, • .1. Assessments and nursing interventions in newborns with respiratory distress.
• Diarrhea in children
ï, • .1. Support process in children with diarrhea
ï, • .2. Evaluation and treatment of dehydration in the newborn and in childhood
ï, • .3. Classification of stool through the Bristol scale
ï, • .4. Stool examination
ï, • .5. Scotch test
• Asthma in children
ï, • .1. support process in children with bronchial asthma
ï, • .2. The detection of respiratory rate in newborns and children in childhood.
Anatomy of the female genital system - Fertilization - Fetal growth - Amniotic fluid - Amniocentesis - Hysteroscopy - Ultrasound - Complete TORCH - Diabetes and pregnancy - Gestures - Mechanical and dynamic delivery - Reproduction - Puerperio - Extrauterine pregnancy - Placenta previa - Dismenorrhoea - Endometriosis - Benign and malignant pathologies of the uterus and ovary - Prevention of tumors: pap- test and colposcopy - Contraception - Menopause
Pescetto- De Cecco- Pecorari - Manuale di Ginecologia e Ostetricia Ed. Seu 2009
Disciplina ostetrica MC Graw Hill
Manuale di nursing pediatrico P.L Badon CEA