Provide basic concepts of psychiatry with particular attention to the description of the clinic and the major psychiatric disorders.
The Role of the nurse in the therapeutic management and the rehabilitation of the patient. Identification and management of risk factors and self aggressiveness and towards others of the psychotic patient.
To know the specific assistance in the Psychiatry and Neurology structures.
Understanding the meaning of group work as a fundamental requirement for psychiatric and neurological assistance.
Develop nursing care plans for patients with mental and neurological disorders.
Lessons are divided in two different parts: the firs basic and generic will provide the student elements of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and how to perform neurologic exam. The second will provide the student how to recognize and how to handle the neurologic patient, if inpatient or outpatient. More in details, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Acute Polineuropathy, Parkinsonian Syndromes, Epilepsia, Headache, will be object of specific discussion. Although theoric, each lesson is structured with the presentation of a true clinical case, possibily available in the Unit of Neurology Clinic at that time
Psychiatric semiotics: appearance, motor activity, facial expressions, language, behavior,psychiatric history.
Psychopathology: attention, consciousness, memory, perception, thought, emotion, aggressive or violent behavior, will, and psychomotor activities, intelligence.
The classification of mental disorders: DSM-5 and ICD-11.
1) Psicopatologia e Clinica Psichiatrica (a cura di) G.B. Cassano, E. Mundo, UTET ed., Torino, 2007.
2) Elementi di psichiatria III edizione. F. Bogetto, G. Maina, U. Albert Minerva Medica, Ed. 2015
Tamagnini G., Nursing in area psichiatrica, Alpes Italia, 2015
Federico A., Angelini C., Franza P., Neurologia e Assistenza Infermieristica, Edises, 2015
Masson, Masson, Dehen, Cambier
Edizione Italiana a cura di Bertora e Mariani