Integrated study of cells and living organisms, with emphasis on the basic mechanisms involved in the following processes: duplication and transmission of genetic information and its expression, development, differentiation, cell proliferation, biogenesis of organelles and cellular structures, interactions among cells, biomolecular bases of behavior and evolution.
The course aims to provide a preparation of general chemistry, organic and inorganic, and biochemistry for an adequate understanding of the structure and function of biological molecules and the meaning of the main metabolic events. Students will learn a general knowledge on the molecular basis of life, from the fundamental chemical properties of the substances, the structure and function of macromolecules, both at the cellular and extracellular level, the metabolic transformations of biomolecules required by the human body function. In addition, the student will understand the meaning of key metabolic pathways in different physiological and pathological contexts.
The Cell theory: cells and organisms.
Structural and functional organization of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
Principles and biomolecular mechanisms of evolution.
Cell membranes: structure and function.
Organelles: structure, function and evolution.
The nuclear genome – Cell organelles.
Chromatin and chromosomes.
DNA replication: molecular mechanisms.
Expression and biological functions of the genome.
Classification and structure of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genes.
Transcription: synthesis and processing of RNAs
The genetic code.
Protein synthesis.
Genetic mutations
Cell division: binary fission, mitosis and meiosis.
Mode of transmission of genetic traits in humans. Mendelian Genetics.
The limits of the Mendelian model.
Elements of General Chemistry, both inorganic and organic.
Biochemistry and clinical implications.
De Leo e Coll, Biologia e Genetica, Ed Edise
NOTE: It is important to use the most recent edition of each textbook
1. Principi di Chimica generale e organica - E. Santaniello, M. Alberghina, M. Coletta, S. Marini – PICCIN
2. Chimica e Propedeutica Biochimica – Bettelheim, Brown, Campbell, Farrel – EdiSES
3. Chimica generale, Chimica organica, Propedeutica biochimica – K.J. Denniston, J.J. Topping, R.L. Caret – McGraw-Hill
4. Chimica e Biochimica (solo per la parte di chimica e propedeutica biochimica) – M. Bertoldi, D. Colombo, O. Marin, P. Palestini - EdiSES
5. Introduzione alla Biochimica di Lehninger – D.L. Nelson, M.M. Cox – ZANICHELLI
6. Biochimica medica – Siliprandi, Tettamanti – PICCIN