L-ANT/02 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Students will improve their knowledge of the main events of Greece itself and all the adjacent areas dominated by the Greeks from the origins to the Roman intervention. The subject will also include a thorough study of the Greek institutions and history of greek Sicily.

Detailed Course Content

We will examine the propaedeutic and methodologic instruments related to a good comprehension of Greek history.

A particular stress will be given to the origin and development of its historiography.

We will analyse the institutions of Greek cities: we will pay our attention on the democratic policy of Athen and Syracuse and we will also take into consideration those cities with an aristocratic and oligarchic governments, such as Sparta and Corinto.

During the course, we will give prominence to the social and economic aspects occurred during the classical age. The aim is to offer an overall view of Greek Poleis and to provide students with a clearer and more complete picture of the most important elements of this period. In addition, we will examine some historical aspects of Greek Sicily.

Textbook Information

1) D. Musti, Introduzione alla Storia greca, Bari-Roma, Laterza 2013, pp. 10-280.

2) K. Meister, La storiografia greca, Bari-Roma, Laterza 2000, pp. 20-200.

3) R. Vattuone (a cura di), Storici greci d’Occidente, Bologna, Il Mulino 2002, pp. 55-136; 177-232; 301-338.

4) E. Galvagno, I successori di Timeo. Studi sulla storiografia siceliota di età ellenistica, Padova, S.A.R.G.O.N 2004, pp. 1-43.

5) E. Galvagno, Politica ed economia nella Sicilia greca, Roma, Carocci 2000, pp. 15-108.

6) E. Galvagno, Ellanico, Atene e la genesi dell’archaiologia siceliota di Tucidide, atti del Convegno “Dal mito alla storia. La Sicilia nell’archaiologhia di Tucidide” Caltanissetta 21-22 maggio 2011, Roma-Caltanissetta 2012, pp. 45-67.

7) M. Frasca, Città dei Greci in Sicilia. Dalla fondazione alla conquista romana, Ragusa, Edizioni di storia e studi sociali, 2017, pp. 45-108.

8) E. Galvagno, Demokratía a Siracusa?, in ASSXLVII, 2012 (2015), pp. 15-46.

9) E. Galvagno, Le donne del tiranno, in U. Bultrighini - E. Dimauro (a cura di), Donne che contano nella storia greca, Lanciano, Carabba 2014, pp. 299-316.

10) E. Galvagno, Dionisio I “Stratego” e la battaglia di Gela, in M. Congiu - C. Micciché - S. Modeo (a cura di), Le grandi battaglie della storia antica di Sicilia, Caltanissetta-Roma, Sciascia 2016, pp. 75-99.

11) E. Galvagno, I Sicelioti tra Cartagine e Roma, Daidalos 7, Viterbo 2005, pp. 97-125.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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