The course target is the level A2 of the European Portfolio. It mainly aims at developing consistent communication skills as well as good linguistic and cultural knowledge about the German-speaking countries, in order to enhance a good intercultural dialogue. Therefore the course will provide a number of lessons dedicated to linguistics grammar, morphology and translation, linked to a series of workshops and practical activities aiming at strengthening the acquisition of pragmatic-communicative skills and competences
The program is divided into three modules: the first is dedicated to the acquisition of basic communication skills, and also includes an introduction to the use of dictionaries and the practice of translation; the second module will be dedicated to the history and the culture of the German-speaking Countries; the third one will examine issues of culture and history starting from German cinema.
1) Linguistic skills and competences (A2)
a) Course books:
A. Buscha e S. Szita, Begegnungen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Integriertes Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, Sprachniveau A1+ / Sprachniveau A2+, Schubert, Leipzig 2007 (two books)
The CD linked to the course books are suitable to be used for self learning. Further material of the course books is available online.
b) Grammar books:
M.G. Saibene, Grammatica descrittiva della lingua tedesca, Carocci, Roma 2002.
M. Reimann, Grammatica di base della lingua tedesca, Hueber, Ismaning 1998.
c) Dictionary Italian – German:
- L. Giacoma and S. Kolb (eds), Il nuovo dizionario di tedesco. Dizionario Tedesco-Italiano Italienisch-Deutsch, second edition, with CD-Rom, Zanichelli, Bologna 2009.
d) Reading text:
- L. Thoma, Eine Frau, ein Mann, Hueber, 2011 (selected is available a version with Audio CD). A selection of the stories will be communicated during the cours.
e) Issues about phonetic, phonology and morphology
- C. Di Meola, La linguistica tedesca, Bulzoni, Roma 2007 [chap. I (phonetic and phonology), and II (morphology)]
2) Culture and history of the German-speaking Countries
a) Reader (it will be made available during the course on STUDIUM).
b) V. Vannuccini, F. Predazzi, Piccolo viaggio nell'anima tedesca, Feltrinelli, Milano 2014
3) History of German Cinema
- Reader and list of films (they will be made available during the course on STUDIUM).
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.