L-ANT/10 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Students will understand the complexity of modern archaeological research, learn the correct strategies during stratigraphic excavation activity, from advance reconnaissance to research, methods of analysis of the territory in which the research will be done; moreover, they will learn the importance of the diagnostic analyses that contribute to the reconstruction of the past.

Detailed Course Content

The literary sources. Advance research and stratigraphic methods, analysis of data and the importance of graphic and cartographic documentation for the study of archaeological contexts and sites, the reconstruction of the phases of occupation of ancient sites: the cataloguing and recording of finds; the conservation of finds and their placing in museums; preventive archaeology; urban archaeology; landscape archaeology; material production and the recognition of ceramic and metal objects; ethnoarchaeology; process archaeology; the relationship between archaeology and the other humanities; communication and publication of excavation results; work opportunities.

Textbook Information

A. Carandini, Storia della terra. Manuale di Archeologia, Torino, 2006; or E. Giannichedda, Uomini e cose: appunti di archeologia, Bari, 2006.

B. C. Renfrew, P. Bahn, L’essenziale di archeologia. Teoria, metodi e pratiche, Bologna 2009.

C. S.T. Levi, Dal coccio al vasaio. Manifattura, tecnologia e classificazione della ceramica, Bologna, 2010.

D. Per la terminologia delle parti dei monumenti, delle forme manufatti e della loro specifica funzione, potranno essere consultate le pertinenti voci sul volume di D. Manacorda, R. Francovich, Dizionario di archeologia, Laterza, 2000.

E. F. Cambi, L’archeologia dei paesaggi, Roma 2011.


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