L-ANT/09 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course, through classroom lectures and practical survey, it gives the knowledge and basic methods for the recognition of building materials, construction processes and the interpretation of the architectures in antiquity, as well as for the documentation of monuments and archaeological excavation, also in underwater environment. The process includes examples of comparison between the archaeological remains and the evidence of the sources, especially Vitruvius.

Detailed Course Content

Building materials; quarries. Construction process: mould; clay, wood; stone; opus caementicium, in its various forms (incertum, reticulatum, testaceum, etc.). Examples of building and architectural types. Archeological prospecting, remote sensing, direct survey. Cartography. Elements of archaeological stratigraphy. Graphic rendering.

Textbook Information

J.P. Adam, L’arte di costruire presso i Romani. Materiali e tecniche, (trad. it.) Milano 19902, pp. 23-359.

C.F. Giuliani, Archeologia. Documentazione grafica, Roma 1976 (f.c.), pp. 11-97.

A. Carandini, Storie dalla terra: manuale dello scavo archeologico, Bari 1981, pp. 31-102.

M. Wegner, Ordini architettonici, in Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica V, pp. 712-725.

E. Felici, Archeologia subacquea. Metodi, tecniche e strumenti, Roma 2002, pp. 121-202, 231-276.

Vitruvio, De Architectura, ed. a cura di P. Gros, Torino 1997 (passi scelti).


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