Knowledge of Greek literature in its historical developement and of the texts in their original language, which students shall be able to translate and analyze in relation to content and formal structure.
A (6 CFU)
1) History of Greek Literature from the beginning to the VI century AD.
2) Ancient Greek grammar and syntax.
B (3 CFU)
Reading of texts:
1) Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods.
2) Pollux, Onomasticon IV 106-154.
3) A selection of stone and book epigrams: Hansen, CEG I 24, 27, 93, 132, 147, 307, 397, 418, 432, 454; Asclepiades, Epigr. 2, 5, 32 G.-P.; Leonidas, Epigr. 68 Gow-Page; Nossis, Epigr. 1 G.-P.
4) A selection from Greek lyric poetry (numbers refer to Degani and Burzacchini's edition quoted below): Archilochus: 2-6; Hipponax: 7, 8, 18, 19; Mimnermus: 1; Solon; 2; Xenophanes: 2; Sappho: 4-6; Alcaeus: 11-13; Stesichorus: 1; Simonides: 1.
Furthermore, students are prompted to read thoroughly in Italian translation books IX-XII from Odyssey and a tragedy at choice.
1) D. Del Corno, Letteratura Greca, Milano 1995, pp. 29-66, 76-133, 149-218, 230-258, 280-307, 309-312, 319-338, 371-388, 395-414, 416-423, 425-426, 428-33, 438-46, 471-74, 477-480, 484-490, 514-521.
NB.: pages refer to the 1995 edition.
2) A. Aloni, La lingua dei Greci, Roma 2012, pp. 310.
B 1) Luciano, Dialoghi di dei e di cortigiane, a cura di A. Lami e F. Maltomini, Milano, BUR 1986, pp. 184-327.
2) Pollucis Onomasticon, ed. E. Bethe, Lipsiae 1900, pp. 232-46.
3) - P.A. Hansen, Carmina epigraphica Graeca saeculorum VIII-V a. Chr. n., Berolini et Novi Eboraci, De Gruyter, 1983, pp. 17-20, 54, 72, 81, 165, 216-217, 228, 239-240, 252-253 (text will be available on Studium.unict);
- The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, ed. by A. S. F. Gow and A. Page, I Text, II Commentary, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1965, pp. 45, 52, 129, 151 (text will be available on Studium.unict).
4) E. Degani - G. Burzacchini (a cura di), Lirici Greci. Antologia. Aggiornamento bibliografico a cura di M. Magnani, Bologna, Pàtron editore, 2005, pp. 22-31, 53-58, 69-70, 95-99, 112-113, 117-119, 147-150, 226-229, 297-300, 316-322.
Further texts will be available on Studium.unict. For readings in Italian translations any edition can be chosen.
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.