L-LIN/13 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

This course aims at giving students new tools from the recent methodologies of research on German literature and culture in order to improve the students’ critical approach to literary texts.

Detailed Course Content

The first part of the course will develop an introduction to the recent epistemic innovations in different fields of the humanities and will focus on some interdisciplinary aspects of research. The course will provide new methodologies of research deriving from the intersections between cognitive sciences and literary studies. Some possible applications of these methodologies will be presented during the lessons. The course will identify topics from literary studies which can be analysed from an experimental point of view, such us consciousness, mind, imagination, dream, etc. Students will be asked to use the new apprehended strategies by elaborating individual or group projects on the topics above mentioned and on their representations in literary texts. Part of the final exam will be to apply and develop new interpretations of literary texts through short essays and presentations.

The course will provide lecture notes and scientific articles to students in order to start their own independent research.

Textbook Information

A Neuroaesthetic (one volume out of the following)

S. Zeki, Splendori e miserie del cervello, Milano, Codice, 2009.

M. Cometa, Perché le storie ci aiutano a vivere. La letteratura necessaria, Cortina, Milano, 2017.

L. Zunshine, Cognitive Literary Studies, Oxford University Press, New York, 2015


B Cognitive poetics (one volume out of the followings)

S. Calabrese, Leggere la mente, Bologna, Archetipolibri, 2012.

M. Bernini, Mario Caracciolo, Letteratura e scienze cognitive, Roma, Carocci, 2013.

S. Costa, Introduzione alla poetica cognitiva. Per un’analisi linguistica di testi letterari tedeschi, Aracne, Roma, 2014


C Methodological application – Individual or group work on one of the following texts

J. W. Goethe, Ifigenia in Tauride, Venezia, Marsilio, 2010.

H. v. Kleist, Penthesilea, Venezia, Marsilio, 2008.

H. v. Hofmannsthal, Elettra, Garzanti, Milano, 1981.

A. Schnitzler, Signorina Else, Adelphi, 1990.


D Bibliographical research on the web and shared evaluation of the texts.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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