Comentario de textos literarios en lengua espaƱola

L-LIN/05 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at going into depth with the Spanish-language theatre, paying special attention to XX century authors. It also aims at consolidating interpretative and critical skills in analysing Spanish texts.

Detailed Course Content

The course provides an overview of the entire Spanish-language theatre history, paying attention to some representative texts. It will go into depth with the way some important authors use narrative techniques in their dramas.

Textbook Information

a) Literature:

-AA.VV., La letteratura spagnola, (3 voll.), Milano, Rizzoli.

-AA.VV., Historia de la literatura española, (4 voll.), Barcelona, Ariel.

-Madrid, Istmo.

-J. GARCÍA LÓPEZ, Historia de la Literatura española, Barcelona, Vicens Vives.

-C. GARCÍA BLANCO, Literatura española del siglo XX, Salamanca, Universidad.

-JOSÈ MARÍA MARTÍNEZ CACHERO, La novela española entre 1936 y el fin de siglo: Historia de una aventura. Madrid, Castalia, 1997.

- LINA RODRÍGUEZ CACHO, Manual de historia de la literatura española, Volumen 2: Siglos XVIII al XX, Madrid, Castalia.


b) Anthology:


c) Methodological texts:

-GERARD GENETTE, Figure III. Discorso del racconto, Torino, Einaudi.

-ANGELO MARCHESE, Dizionario di retorica e stilistica, Milano, Mondadori.

-IDEM, L’officina del racconto, Milano, Mondadori.


Required reading:

-Miguel de Cervantes, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha – 1st book (any edition).



Innovative structures of Spanish American fiction.


Mario Vargas Llosa, La señorita de Tacna, Kathie y el hipopótamo, La Chunga, in Teatro. Obra reunida, Madrid, Alfaguara, 2006 (or any other edition).


Critical text:

Domenico Antonio Cusato, El teatro de Mario Vargas Llosa, Messina, Lippolis, 2007.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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